BTW Judy, here is a photo of my Peregrine falcon that I caught a couple of 
years ago. Sandy is getting ready for the hunting season right now. See 
attachment below.
      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 8:36 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ben Carson Takes the Lead Among GOP Candidates
    And the thing is, this country explicitly forbids any kind of religious 
litmus test for presidential eligibility.

---In, <> wrote :

Carson's religious beliefs are in fact no more strange than that of most 
evangelical Christians. I don't see that as dooming his candidacy. And after 
all, in 2012 the Republicans nominated a Mormon! (Have you seen what they 
believe?). No, Carson's problem is that he has zero qualifications for being 
president. Expertise in one unrelated field (brain surgery) does not carry over 
into another field, that of politics. The man appears to know nothing at all, 
but still has the peculiar arrogance to think that in spite of the fact that he 
has never held any elective office, he can suddenly, out of the blue, become 
president. My advice: Run for City Council, Ben, or maybe the state legislature 
or the US Congress. Learn something about politics and world events and history 
before you put yourself up as a presidential candidate. Ben Carson vs. Hillary? 
Don't make me laugh, She dwarfs him. Smarter, more experienced, with real 
qualifications for the office she is running for. Candidates like Carson make a 
mockery of the entire process of how we elect a president. He will not last. 

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

Of course, what is a *day* or an *hour* in the life of God? The Vedic 
literature refers to millions/billion of  our years in a day in the life of 
various deities. Rabbis and Christian theologians make similar claims.  

  From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 6:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ben Carson Takes the Lead Among GOP Candidates
It appears that he's trying to avoid a conflict between his faith and 
scientific facts.  There is an obvious disconnect which he may or may not want 
to address at this point in time.  But it will eventually rise to surface 
during the debates with fellow Republicans or the eventual presidential 
candidate from the Democrats.  Let's find out.

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

He believes the earth existed for a long time before God decided to start 
creating...but then it took God only six 24-hour days to finish the job.
Seriously. That's what he says he believes.

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

I know he graduated from Yale and has a degree in medicine.  But I don't know 
what type of Creationism he believes in.  If he believes that the earth is only 
6,000 years old, then I think there's something wrong with him.

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

John, *creationism* is not limited to the traditionally held story of a six 
thousand year existence with a man created out of clay and life breathed into 
him in a garden along with a snake that talks,not anymore than the traditional 
stories of the Upanishads with flying mountains and devas and rakshasas , 
spinning a churn on a snake and turtle, making nectar. These are allegorical 
stories and Ben Carson knows that. My god man, he's a brain surgeon, not a 
community activist with a grudge.

  From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 11:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ben Carson Takes the Lead Among GOP Candidates
When I read on the internet that Carson believes in Creationism, I realized 
that there may be something not reasonable with this man.  So, it's a red flag 
that all voters should look out for.

---In, <> wrote :

I'll answer that one for you: NO!!! The man is an ignoramus. The fact that he 
was a brain surgeon is irrelevant. His statements on all kinds of issues are so 
bizarre that it's hard to imagine anyone taking him seriously. Obamacare is the 
worst thing to happen to America since slavery. Yeah, right. Obamacare is worse 
than 9/11 because 9/11 was a one-time event. Excuse me? 

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

I don't have Carson's specific time of birth, although his birth date is 
published at September 18, 1951.  So, one can't tell for sure his ascendant and 
dasha in effect.  Based on his family history, one can guess that he was born 
as a Taurus ascendant.  As such, I don't have a good basis for a jyotish 
prediction, whether he can win the presidency or not.

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

And probably harder for a Seventh DayAdventist to be elected than a Mormon.


 On 10/27/2015 09:30 AM, jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

  As mentioned a few weeks ago, the end of October,2015 will usher in the fall 
of Donald Trump'spresidential ambitions.  Perhaps, he'll go back to hisreal 
estate business and stay out of politics for good.
BenCarson just broke Donald Trump's winning streak

 |     |  
 |    BenCarson just broke Donald Trump's winningstreak Retired neurosurgeonBen 
Carson just broke real-estate tycoonDonald Trump's winning streak in... |  
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