OPS!… Bush Family Used Eminent Domain to Build Texas Baseball Park Jim Hoft 

 The establishment media cheered Jeb Bush’s performance last night at the ABC 
GOP debate. The media was particularly pleased with how Jeb went after Donald 
Trump on eminent domain.
 Jeb slammed Trump for using eminent domain in his building projects.

 But Jeb forgot to mention his family used eminent domain too – to build a 
baseball park.

 The Hill 
 Following attacks from primary rival Jeb Bush about his past use of eminent 
domain, Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump on Sunday accused the Bush 
family of using the practice to build a baseball stadium in Texas.

 “Eminent domain is a very important thing,” Trump said on ABC’s “This Week.” 
“Jeb Bush doesn’t understand what it means, and if you look into the Bush 
family – I found this five minutes ago – they used eminent domain for the 
stadium in Texas, where they own, I guess, a piece of the Texas Rangers.”

 When host George Stephanopoulos said that was Jeb’s brother, former President 
George W. Bush, Trump said his point still stands.

 “That doesn’t matter,” he said. “It was the Bush family. They used private 
eminent domain. He didn’t tell anybody this. So, I mean, he should have told 


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