I liked "Cloud Atlas".  It's didn't exactly knock my socks off but was 
entertaining.  Most of it is about reincarnation or repeating patterns 
that play out.  It is certainly a visual thrill, especially the city of 
Neo Seoul.  The Wachowskis and Tom Tykwer made for a suitable production 
team.  We get some good performances from A-list actors such a Tom 
Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Broadbent and Hugo Weaving.  They get to play 
multiple roles in this film as do some other well known actors.  At 2 
hours and 44 minutes it may be a little hard on the bladder and I kept 
looking for the pause button.


I haven't read the book.  The auditorium probably had a bout 20 people 
for the matinee thought the parking lot was full but that was probably 
for the Bond movie.  Check it out if you get a chance. It's another 
Warner Brothers film so we won't see it on DVD/BD or streaming for a while.

Then last evening was the premier of "The Untold History of the United 
States" by Oliver Stone.  This is an interesting series but I think he 
could have dug a little deeper.  He did credit in the first episode the 
Soviet Union for actually winning WWII instead of the US and makes a 
good case for it (as do many historians).  Bet many of you didn't know 
that Henry Wallace, FDR's VP was sort of a New Age guy.

Since Turq didn't keep on watching "Revolution" and I have, they are 
showing why the power outage occurred and what those little pendants 
have to do with it.  So we don't have to wait until the final season (if 
there ever is one) to find out.  I think the series is a little too 
"Civil Warish", in that it looks like times went back to the 1860s.  I 
would have used war torn Bosnia as a model for what happens in the 21st 
century when things fall apart.  I also wonder if there isn't a little 
tug-a-war between series creator Eric Kripke and JJ Abrahams who 
definitely what different ideas about producing a TV series.  I wonder 
if it had more of the humor of "Supernatural" or "X-Files" which Kripke 
was involved in that it might be more successful.  After all a post 
apocalyptic dark comedy code be something different.

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