--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I like Clinton alot too.
> I like him because he presided over the most conservative agenda of
> any president in the 20th century, including Ronald Reagan.

So you should love his intellectual and policy legacy, Mr Al Gore!!!

And Nixon was a great liberal, a radical liberal in some regards:

Price controls to control inflation (so radically far left, no one on
the left even dares suggest it today.)

Abolished the gold standard (the core of conservative economics for
two  + centures)

Establishing the Environmental Protection Agancy

Created the Consumer Product Safety Commission

Ending American fighting in Viet Nam

Established and extended revenue sharing to the states

Ended the draft

Opened up China

Treaty to limit strategic nuclear weapons

Created Detente with USSR

Negotiated disengagement agreements between Israel and its opponents,
Egypt and Syria

Almost endorsed full national decriminalization of marijuana
(watergate got in the way).

I don't think any domcratic president has come close to accomplishing
-- much less proposing -- the breadth and depth of such wide ranging
liberal agenda.

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