One of the things that never ceases to amuse me is how
some long-term TMers react to having had their buttons
pushed. Their first impulse is to call the button-
pushers "liars." If that doesn't work -- and it hasn't,
at least with fairly objective bystanders -- their next
impulse is to try to do the same thing to the button-
pushers that has been done to them. Thus, when someone
points out a simple truth about the spiritual teacher
they're still guru-whipped by -- and about them, for
*being* so guru-whipped -- their second impulse is to 
try to rag on the button-pusher's supposed guru and
see if they can provoke a similar reaction in them.

The problem with this strategy is that it only works
on those who are still as guru-whipped as the people
resorting to it. It can't work on those who have 
gotten to a place where they can "own their own part"
of succumbing to a guru's charms. 

So, for the record, and because they so desperately
want me to, I'll tell you what I see as the *only* dif-
ference between Maharishi and Rama - Frederick Lenz.

I see both as charlatans. Period. The *only* distinction
I draw between them is the "degree of charlatanry" they
exhibited in their lives. 

For me, Rama was 75% charlatan, 25% something else. What
that "else" is I have no idea of, and no explanation for.
In contrast, for me, Maharishi was 95% charlatan, and
only 5% something else. 

Maharishi -- for me, and for many I've known who knew
both gentlemen intimately -- just was never in the same
ballpark of "possible greatness" as Rama. Lenz was smarter,
better spoken, and *far* more knowledgeable about the
sources of traditional Woo Woo he ripped off than MMY
ever was. He could give *far* better and more interesting
talks, and demonstrate powers and abilities that Maharishi
could only talk about. But he was still (IMO) 75% a char-
latan, using cheap tricks and stage presence/charisma to 
suck people into projecting more onto him than was actually 
there. I completely "own" the things I projected onto him
for a time, wrapped by his flash factor. The wonder, for me,
is how so many TMers managed to fall for the 5% of "else"
that Maharishi was able to exhibit, not how many managed 
to fall for the 25% Rama was able to exhibit.

There is simply no question that I might have been wrapped
by Rama's charm and charlatanry. There is little question
that I might have imagined even the 25% that *wasn't* char-
latanry. I have *no problem* saying this, and "owning" it. 

And this is what distinguishes me from the Maharishi TBs.

Not a single one of them would ever, in a million years,
be able to admit this as a possibility. They're STILL
wrapped by Maharishi's charlatanry, to the point that it
is simply not even *possible* for them to admit that they
might have been taken in by a clever con man. 

If even one of them could say this -- even once -- I might 
have more respect for them. But they can't. So neither can I.

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