A beautiful post from another online community --

"I am finding this to be a very intriguing thread as several of those
who have replied have brought up the issues of freedom of expression
and sensitivity. I have been doing some research on various types of
expression lately and thought that maybe I could add something to this
post on the concepts of freedom of expression, and sensitivity.

I recently read about the distinction between discharge and
expression. With the former there lies an attitude that one must expel
from themselves something they have taken in that feels foreign to
one's being. With discharge there often comes a catharsis or release.
While the release might temporarily leave one feeling empowered it is
often a short lived experience.

With expression, writers such as Darwin, Hospers, and Dewey state that
true expression involves a conservation of energy, and a rhythmic
internal process of allowing a building of resistance and tension
balanced by periodic and measured releases. The result is that with
verbal and written interchanges a feeling of true connection can be
achieved as the differences between those in dialogue are actually
being digested, absorbed, considered more deeply. In this sense,
expressions contains an aesthetic quality. The conversation then
becomes a thing of beauty as those involved both feel heard.

True expression then is a mature, thoughtful, and considered process,
a process where we allow experience to move through us with awareness,
noting how the experience changes us, how difference informs us of who
we are, and then responding to the differences creatively.

With reaction and discharge we are asking others to do our work for
us, externalizing our own internal processes. As friends to one
another we commonly do this. Our friends witness our reactions and
discharges and we are gracefully held in their care. In this way we
help each other develop more maturity, and we can all use more of that.

One more point in regards to the distinctions between true expression
and discharge and reaction; There is often a call by posters (on this
site and others) to be truthful, direct, not beat around the bush, a
hold nothing back attitude. Be wary when you see this as it is often
an invitation to say something that will unleash the others own
internal critics, again externalizing the process into a discharge.

In regards to sensitivity, I believe a few have spoken of the need to
develop a thicker skin while using this board. I think that is a wise
statement. However, I wish the opposite were true. I think we would
all be much better off if there was enough safety and trust where we
could all wear our thinner skins."


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