Shauca is one of the five niyama's. According to Patañjali

shaucaat parair asaMsargaH.

Taimni's translation:

>From physical purity (arises) disgust for one's own body
and disinclination to come in physical contact with others.

Have you ever noticed this disgust for your own body,
full of shit and urine, etc?

BTW, that'a an nice example of the importance of indicating
the long vowels in Sanskrit, in this case the long a-sound
(aa, a: , a_ , A , etc.), namely: with a long a-sound in the middle is sandhi
for sva +

svAGga  n. a limb of oñone's own body , oñone's own bñbody , limb or body in 
the strict (not metaphorical) sense Ka1v. Yogas. &c. ;

whereas with a short a is sandhi for su +

svaGga  mfn. having a beautiful body , well-shaped , fair-limbed RV. ; n. a 
good or handsome limb MW. 

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