Your beef with Maharishi is that he refused to acknowledge that a small 
minority of people can experience 'Negative side-effects' from practicing TM.??
    Could you give me some proof of it.??
    Please draw a distinction between TM and the Org's administrative stupidity.
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 6:11:01 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New section on TM and Cults posted on Truth 
About TM

One thing's very obvious from hearing Orme-Johnson' s comments: someone 
affiliated with the TMO is listening to FFL and probably the TMFree 
just shows the power a forum of free speech like FFL, etc. can have. They're 
forced to respond (with rather lame answers) because  the banter here is also 
hitting the search engines along with their marketing spiel. And so the 
disinformation campaign that is OJ's website. 

On separate note, Raunchy asked why anyone would want to continue to expose the 
dangers of the TM org, so repeatedly. The answer is the danger still exists 
that people can be deceived, harmed or financially drained by this org which is 
overly secretive. This same org thrusts itself constantly into the public 
spotlight worldwide, but gives no transparency for their potentially dangerous 
org and it's former leader was involved in numerous scandals from money 
laundering, to political manipulation to sexual improprieties- -the list goes 
on and on--all the while working hard to conceal his tracks and his past. The 
technique they're selling and the org that administers it has been the cause of 
suicide, murder, insanity  and a long list of ills that could potentially be 

If the victims of other cult abuse organizations  can say "never again" in the 
hope that more people aren't harmed by such institutions of abuse, so can we.



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