Do good works without hesitation.

The jiva has been experiencing samsara for many, many births. It is
only natural, therefore, that its tendencies have become worldly. To
turn its tendency toward Paramatma [God] and away from samsara
[worldly life] requires effort. In reality, the aim of life is to stop
the mind from involvement with this world. 

If one engages in the spiritual practice of Bhagavan and in thinking
and speaking about Him, the mind will start dwelling on Him, and after
some time, it will withdraw from samsara on its own.

In our daily affairs we should adopt a strategy of quickly attending
to good works and things related to the divine. Should any wrong
thought arise, on the other hand, we should try to postpone it to
another time by saying, "I'll do it tomorrow, or the day after next."
In this way, wrong action can be continuously postponed.

To be born a human is more fortunate than to be born a deva.

Taking birth as a deva is considered comparable to taking birth as any
other life form. Birth as a god is attained by those who perform
certain sacrifices and karma, etc. associated with divinity, with the
intention to enjoy divine pleasures. The minds of the devatas wander
incessantly because of the abundance of enjoyable things in the
heavenly realms, and hence they cannot perform purushartha [actions
consistent with the goals of human life and evolution]. 

For this reason, the human birth is considered superior, because here,
by doing as much purushartha as possible, one can eventually become
one with God.

A human being is like a lump of pure gold, whereas gods are like
pieces of fine jewelry.  Having been perfected as jewelry, their
progression is complete, and they cannot be further improved. On the
other hand, gold which has not yet been crafted by the jeweler is
completely unrestricted in its potential. Hence the birth of a human
being is said to be the very best birth for action. Having attained
this birth, one should not act carelessly, but should conscientiously
perform the best purushartha.  Fulfilling one's own dharma while
keeping faith in Paramatma is the greatest purushartha.

Strive to become one with God in this lifetime. Have firm faith in the
Vedas and shastras and keep the company of those wise people who also
have faith in them. Only then will the purpose of your life be fulfilled. 

The Everyday Teachings of Swami Brahmananda Saraswati [Jagadguru
Shankaracharya, Jyotir Math, Himalayas, 1941-53]
Compiled by Rameswar Tiwari
Edited and Introduction by L. B. Shriver
Translation Edited and Annotation by Cynthia A. Humes
Clear River Press, 2001

[thanks to DB]

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