Dollhouse season one released yesterday on DVD and Blu-Ray.  I rented 
disk four of the DVD as the rental place didn't get the Blu-Ray.  Disk 
four has the un-aired Epitaph episode and the original un-aired pilot.   
Epitaph was intended to be a wrap up of the series if it didn't get 
renewed.  Or if the series got renewed, which it did, a device to create 
episodes that explain how the apocalypse shown in Epitaph came about.

Unfortunately like so many of the series episodes Epitaph comes off like 
a bunch of unpolished sketches and listening to the commentary by Jed 
Whedon and his wife who wrote that episode that's exactly what it is.  
The episode takes place in 2019 ten years in the future.  Much of the 
story takes place in a darkly lit underground ruins shot with video 
(creative license to keep the budget down) and interspersed with 
flashbacks from the series as well as parts from the original pilot.  
The sketches make it a little hard to follow but overall one of the 
better episodes.  It is interesting to note that at the time the 
commentary was recorded they still didn't know if the series would be 
renewed or not.

However, the original un-aired pilot has to be about the best episode of 
the entire series.  It was very coherent and well done.  It was almost 
the quality of a True Blood episode.  It was a great set-up for the 
whole series.  So what happened?  The pilot reads like something HBO or 
Showtime might pick up not a broadcast network.   Did FOX water down and 
starve the series for funding?  My bet particularly the latter 
happened.  The behind the scenes suggest that the creative enthusiasm 
was very much dampened. 

And Dollhouse, has a rather large ensemble cast for a network show.  So 
has True Blood.   Most broadcast shows have smaller ensembles.  Or look 
at the successful Burn Notice (on USA Network)  which has three 
principles.  It's easy to do that show on a light budget in Miami shot 
on 16mm which makes it look grainy but I loved the cinematographer's 
style which is very 1970s and few "extreme closeups" which look lousy on 
HD sets.

I would hope that Dollhouse gets a bigger budget and more time to 
develop scripts for the second season.  Otherwise we may not see season 

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