Why is God, a White Caucusoid asshole.??
        Why is the Devil, a Black skinned, horned arrow-tailed Rascal.??
        Why is Superman White.??
        Why is Wonder-woman White.??
        Why is Cassius Clay Black.??
        Because he is the GREATEST GREATEST GREATEST..!!!

Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Sat, 03 May 2008 16:07:54 -0000
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why do Duveyoung and Angela like using the n-word 
so much?


I don't know how you got to thinking I'm okay with Afrocentrism being
taught. It's a bunch of shit, but I just know that most dogmas are
filled with errors, and that it is a merely matter of degree when
comparing Afrocentrism with the dogma of Modern Science. Science is
replete with beliefs that go unexamined and are as unfounded as even
the worst Afrocentric delusions.

Einstein wrote his famous letter to FDR about making the first atomic
bomb. What religious belief did Einstein consider before he wrote
that letter? When Fritz Haber invented a method for mass producing
poisonous gas that had no use except for warfare -- what religious
implications can be surmised from that act? Whatever it was that these
two big brains said to themselves, how different is that from an
Afrocentric persons saying they're psychic because their skin is
black? Einstein said, "Build the bomb, because I know the full
measure of its impact." How's that for delusion?

Einstein believed he'd be doing the world a solid by creating that
bomb. Oppenheimer said, "In some sort of crude sense which no
vulgarity, no humor, no overstatement can quite extinguish, the
physicists have known sin; and this is a knowledge which they cannot

To me, it's a hard question to approach when asked, "For the good of
all, for the betterment of the world, what would be worse, ten million
more Afrocentrists in the world or another Einstein or Oppenheimer? "

It is one thing to peddle nonsense, it is quite another to open up
Pandora's box. If one is going to chide an Afrocentrist, be sure to
chide others who are far more dangerously deluded about their
abilities to "handle the truth." I'd say, spend your time debunking
scientific elitism before smacking a bunch of bell-curve-losers for
goofy notions.



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