Reported from a participant on the Invincible America Assembly at one of our 
recent, daily Experience Meetings. Feel welcome to join us!

Points to Unboundedness
I notice during program that the expanded stillness of my physiology has the 
same humming, crystalline quality that is my whole experience. Unboundedness 
has the similar sublime concreteness as my body; even the senses, sitting in 
silence, are humming as pure knowledge, where the over-arching liveliness of 
the Rik Ved is balanced between pure experience and pure inherent knowledge. 
Stillness is so motionless that the tiniest flick of my attention is 
immediately noticed as a concentrated point that is the mirroring, intelligence 
of the whole reverberating ocean of consciousness.

A quote from Maharishi Vedic University introduction booklet:
All the material and non-material structures of creation have specific 
frequencies (sounds). These fundamental frequencies, non-material values, are 
the sounds of the Vedic literature: the intellect, the hum of the intellect, 
and with the hum the flow and stop of it in sequence. The expression of melody, 
forming the whole Vedic literature, gives us the entire process…

I hear, and see, silent, light-filled knowledge-packets and streams as specific 
sounds, or frequencies, of my awareness. In this experience, knowingness itself 
is the hum of the finest level of my intellect. An overall wholistic sound, or 
hum, permeates all the other layers of sound. This most fundamental, pervasive 
hum has a cosmic reverberating stillness that web-shimmers—and even shouts—with 
potential structure. Also, I see this reverberation as the internal-to-external 
connectedness of a knowingness that is wholeness itself.  

The self-knowledge aspect of this experience includes a waveless ocean of 
consciousness, along with vast rivers of knowledge, with Riking Vedic 
frequencies, that, as if, travel to fuller and lesser points of spiraling, 
countless manifestations. I watch concentrated points and spirals of conscious 
energy that pulse from stillness into the waves connecting and determining the 
highs and lows of these infinite oscillations of intelligence. I see these 
precise, sequential highs and lows forming the specific structures and 
storyline of my physical reality.

There certainly is a melodious quality to my over-all consciousness; like 
hearing a symphony of synchronous sound and seeing the orchestra of my 
intelligence naturally making a wholeness from all the parts. The actual 
participation of the various aspects of my intellect, mind and body are the 
fundamental knowledge structures of the literature of this totality.
A quote, from the Constitution of India:
The sequential simultaneity of one and three (Samhita of Rishi, Devata and 
Chandas) lays open the character of law in the structure of Rk Ved—it is 
expanding and contracting at the same time; it is many and one at the same time.

In activity there is an unmoving knowledge-texture of intelligence and 
composition to my sight. This vibrant organization of consciousness is 
sequentially comprehensive, so perfectly already full, that my awareness finds 
no reason to move or even not move. It is like a huge complex puzzle where all 
the parts have been placed, revealing the Absolute simplicity of the whole.  I 
experience my body moving through its own clearly perceived, expanded space, as 
the unbounded structural integrity of divine non-movement.

One point value—all point values—fill the waves of my attention with a lively 
sparkle of personal bliss and concreteness that pulses with starts and stops, 
twirling loops of self-aware activity that is eternally connected, or awake, to 
my infinite nature. The sequence itself, the perfect structure of unboundedness 
and alertness, rings with the sound of silence, where a rain-shower of soma 
tickles the entire process as quiet bliss. Looking into any one point of this 
absolute shimmering wholeness reveals its unbounded range. Connectedness to 
Absolute silence unfolds as in-and-out waves of awareness, a mirroring clarity 
that lights up the entire range of my experience.
Jai Guru Dev   Maharishi   Jai Guru Dev

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