I think I have a graceful solution for those posters on this forum who
seem to have a compulsive need to "fix" other posters, but who at the
same time fly into an ill-concealed rage any time any of these posters
1) don't pay attention to their advice, or 2) suggest there are a few
things about the fixers themselves they might just want to...uh...fix.
Or at the very least ponder.

Make the giving and receiving of advice fee-based. Y'know...the same way
you guys work with the spiritual teachers you revere. Most of you who
are into spiritual teachers wouldn't really expect them to give you
useful advice unless you were paying for it, right? What I'm suggesting
is that you similarly have no right to expect anyone else to follow
*your* advice unless *they* are paying for it.

It's simple to set up. Those who feel that their insights and their
perceptions of other people are worth paying attention to, and their
advice worth following, *put your skills on the market*, and see who
agrees with you. Set up a simple PayPal account, and charge the people
you give advice to a reasonable fee, whatever you think it's worth. (For
most advice-givers on this forum, I would suggest a fee no larger than
$1 US per month, and that might be pushing it.)

>From then on, whenever you feel compelled to give advice and "fix"
someone, the only people on this forum you have a right to expect a
response from are the ones who are actually paying you for the advice.
All others have the absolute right to ignore whatever you say without
comment, and as if you don't exist.

Those who feel that their advice is SO important to those they preach it
at that their victims "should" or "must" pay attention to it are free to
pay *them* to be receivers of said advice. But paying your victims does
not in any way imply that they must either read your advice or pay
attention to it. It's just a way for you compulsive "fixers" to feel
better about yourselves, and convince yourselves that you actually have
an audience.

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