The Tao is *the way* and what MMY calls "The Divine Plan", quote: "The
whole of creation is *set up* for the regular and continued evolution
of the Soul so that each one in the creation may enjoy permanent
happiness." MMY The Divine Plan.

When we act 'in accord' with the Laws of Nature or the Tao we prosper
and are happy, when we act ignorantly and out of harmony with the
'law' or the 'Tao' we suffer.

Karma is the just working out of the inevitable laws of nature. As a
man soweth so also shall he reap, this is the Law, and the way to
happiness is the Tao.

"When the negative influences in life become overwhelming, then
collective calamities befall mankind. Earthquakes, floods, wars and
disasters arise to annihilate the generators of the negative
influences and thereby re-establish the smooth working of the Laws of
Nature."  or the Tao.  MMY The Divine Plan

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