ampat P. %{-patati} , to fly or rush together (in a friendly or hostile 
manner) , encounter , meet any one (acc.) ,
  meet with (instr.) RV. &c. &c. ; to fly along , fly to , hasten towards 

 saMpad f. falling together, coinciding, agreeing; success, gain, acquisition; 
increase, growth; existence, 
 abundance, high degree (adj. --- furnished with); right proportion, state, or 
condition; prosperity, happiness; wealth, beauty.

 Now, Patañjali defines his use of the word sampad in suutra III 45

 Sutra III.46
 रूपलावण्यबलवज्रसंहननत्वानि कायसंपत्॥४६॥ 


rūpa-lāvaṇya-bala-vajra-saṁhananatvāni kāyasaṁpat ॥46॥ 
 [HA]: Perfection Of Body Consists In Beauty, Grace, Strength And Adamantine 
 This is extremely confusing: at the end, without any sandhi, the word "should" 
be sampad, with d in the end. This is probably a rule I can't remember, but 
even without sandhi the word whose dictionary form ends in d, here ends in t, 
making it homonymous with the word meaning, amongst other things, to fly 
 So, does P-jali hint that even flying together makes the body perfect!
 Food for thought! This seems to be a bit more complicated than I first 

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