Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Subject: AEGTC, Switzerland 1976
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Williams)
AEGTC, Switzerland 1976
By Jay Latham

Never had I seen him respond so powerfully. It was as if the "Hammer of 
God" was slamming that table. He then exclaimed loudly, "This is real 

Jay Latham:

"Maharishi, these experiences I've had over the past six months have been 
glimpses of enlightenment for me. I had a tremendous awakening experience 
before I started TM, but due to the circumstances, I feel a little shy about 
telling it in the group." I then sent him a thought message that I would 
relate my "experience" and not the "circumstances."

Maharishi paused for a moment to think about what I'd just said.

"It'll be all right to tell it," he said finally, in a thoughtful sort of 

"Maharishi, you've said that for every state of consciousness there is a 
separate, corresponding state of reality. Waking state has its reality, 
dream state has its reality, and deep sleep is another reality."


"You've taught us that transcendental consciousness is a fourth state of 
consciousness?a fourth reality that is the underlying reality of all life."


"And you've taught that cosmic consciousness is a higher state of reality, 
because one never loses consciousness of the transcendent even during 
waking, dreaming and sleeping."


"You've also said that God consciousness and unity consciousness are even 
deeper states of reality; so we have all these states of consciousness and 
all these states of corresponding realities."

Maharishi said "yes" this time in a somewhat impatient way, as if to convey, 
"Get to the point, where are you going with this?"

I'd been feeling an almighty power rise up inside of me as I asked Maharishi 
each one of these questions, because I was consciously setting him up to 
refute all that he had just said. I knew he knew the truth, but I wanted him 
to come out with it in a way he had never done before. It was time for
us to stop playing around like little children at his feet, and elicit from 
him the real truth. A great rage suddenly ripped through my chest, burning 
the lie in my heart. I wanted Maharishi to kill it right then and there, for 
all time.

"Maharishi, in the experience of wholeness I had before I started TM, what 
you've just said that basically reality is different in different states of 
consciousness, is a total lie! What I experienced one night five years ago, 
is that there is only one reality, has always been one reality, and will 

"YES! YES! YES!" Maharishi loudly proclaimed. With each "YES," his fist came 
down on the table, "Bang, Bang, Bang!" Never had I seen him respond so 
powerfully. It was as if the "Hammer of God" was slamming that table. He 
then exclaimed loudly, "This is real wholeness! I don't want to hear 
anything but experiences of real wholeness! Continue with your experience."

"What I discovered in my experience, Maharishi, was that the personality I 
know as Jay Latharn is a complete, fictitious lie. There is only one Being, 
God. Everything else, even the 'reality' of God consciousness, is an 
illusion. It's just like Shankara said."

"Now this is the real experience of wholeness!" Maharishi proclaimed 

"What happened is that I had an experience in which I went through all of 
the states of consciousness. When I hit cosmic consciousness I closed my 
eyes to meditate and witnessed creation in the flow of soma out of the bindu 
point between my eyes. Everything shot out of that point, in stereo?whatever 
came out on the left came out on the right. I saw the mechanics of creation. 
It was the most amazing sight I ever saw. After that I started having 
celestial perception with my eyes open."

I then briefly explained the major points of my experiencethe jewels I'd 
seen in the ceiling and how things were constructed of light rays created 
from God's mind?how I walked and moved through a cosmic plasma that erased 
the force of gravity, etc. Maharishi was paying close attention to what I       
was saying, and having his attention on me like this was like having God 
Almighty bum the lie right out of my heart. The longer I held his attention, 
the more enlightened I got. Yes, lie had closely followed rny progress for 
the past six months and given me a lot of attention, but this moment was the 
greatest I'd ever had with him.

I continued relating to Maharishi the progressive stages of rny awakening; 
how I had felt the presence of God in everything and how everything I 
perceived became the "artwork of the Creator" (Maharishi's descriptive words 
for sensory experiences in the state of God consciousness). I told him of my 
insights into God revealing to man the blueprints for a more comfortable 
life on earth throughout the centuries, and how I went from God 
consciousness into Unity Consciousness and perceived God looking back at me 
in every object that came within my primary line of vision.

"Everything I looked at seemed to disappear. It was as if every object I 
looked at became a mirror with the Ancient Knower staring into the depths of 
my soul. Objects were transformed into the Mind of God. It was as if holes 
of Reality were being cut into the celestial heavenly world I had ascended 
to in God consciousness. The experience grew until I woke up. I realized Jay 
Latham was a fictitious lie, had never existed, and that there was only One 
Being, One Mind. Time ceased to exist, because it was a lie too.

"That is called `the Great Awakening,"' Maharishi said, excitedly. "This is 
the true experience of wholeness."

"Maharishi, the experience of nonduality was so strong that my intellect 
burned up. For my whole life I've always seen everything as distinctly 
different from everything else. In this experience, my intellect reversed 
its role and perceived everything to be the same. I could look at another 
person and see only my Self looking back at myself. I looked at the wall and 
saw my Self looking back into my soul. There was nothing left to learn; I'd 
come to the end of knowledge and learning. The knowledge of Only One burned 
like blue fire in my body. That knowledge was so final, so obliterating to 
everything I'd ever known that I wanted to drop my body. 

"You'd already dropped the body at that time," Maharishi interrupted. "The 
body is dropped in Brahman Consciousness."

"But I couldn't function at all. The knowledge was so great, so 
annihilating, that I was flat on my back." 

Up to this point Maharishi was visibly excited about my experience. He knew 
that I knew , or had known, the final truth about reality. And now I knew 
that he was the reality because he confirmed my experience with total 
conviction. I had never doubted my experience because Brahman Consciousness 
is what Maharishi calls "self-validating knowledge."

It can't be taught; it can only be experienced; I'd read about it in the 
book, Love and God, that Maharishi wrote, so I knew of his own realization. 
But as a disciple on the path, verbal confirmation by the true Master is not 
only important, it is inherent in the Vedic Tradition of India that 
Maharishi comes from, because it plays such a vital role in the disciple's 
life. Since I'd had only a temporary experience of reality, it was thrilling 
for me to speak with Maharishi like this. Maharishi had confirmed and 
verified that I had had a genuine vision of the goal."

Now I saw Maharishi in a whole new light, beyond the master-disciple roles 
we normally took. He usually looked at me, lovingly, as a grandfather looks 
at a grandchild. But now, after I had revealed to him that I had an 
experience of seeing through the lie, he looked at me gratefully. When I 
said that I as "flat on my back," he went into a soft reverie and very 
tenderly confided to me something of his own personal awakening, something 
nom, of us had ever heard before.

"It's only like that for the first couple of days. One is flat on the back 
for that time. But then, after a few days one begins to do little things, 
move around some. And then, as time passes, one does a little bit more and a 
little bit more. After some weeks or months, one can function fully in 
Brahman Consciousness and that is the greatest experience of all."

He was laughing when he finished saying this. We were all moved to hear 
Maharishi share his personal experience with usyou could have heard a pin 
drop in the room. No one was strugerling anymore - the competition for 
attention was momentarily suspended. Everyone was holding their breath to 
see what would happen next."


"Galaxy of Fire"
By Jay Latham
Sunstar, 2000
p. 258-263.

Available at 21st Century Books, Fairfield, IA

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