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An Interview with Quantum Physicist John Hagelin

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December 8, 2015

As governments falter in their struggle to find a solution to unpredictable 
outbreaks of terror, an international alliance of concerned scientists has 
offered a possible solution.

The Global Union of Scientists for Peace 
 has recently published an Open Letter 
 to Presidents Obama, Hollande, and Putin—and to the leaders of all 
nations—proposing a scientific alternative to the conventional approach of 
creating peace through violence (International New York Times, December 3, 
2015). In the following interview, Quantum Physicist John Hagelin, President of 
the Global Union of Scientists for Peace, answers questions about this novel 

Dr. Hagelin 
 received his Ph.D. from Harvard University, and conducted pioneering research 
at CERN (the European Center for Particle Physics) and SLAC (the Stanford 
Linear Accelerator Center). He is responsible for the development of a highly 
successful grand unified field theory based on the superstring, and his 
scientific contributions include some of the most cited references in the 
physical sciences.

QUESTION: Your open letter in the Times offers an explanation of the root cause 
of terrorism: deep-rooted societal stress. Could you summarize?

It is the overwhelming consensus of experts in the field of conflict resolution 
that the first stage in the emergence of war is mounting societal stress—acute 
political, ethnic, and religious tensions among rival factions in critical hot 
spots throughout the world. If these tensions continue to grow unchecked, they 
eventually reach a boiling point. They inevitably erupt in social violence: in 
crime, war, and terrorism. If we can defuse these societal tensions before they 
erupt—even a little—they do not break out into social violence. Water does not 
boil at 99 degrees centigrade.

“Collective consciousness” is a term that means the sum total of all the 
individual consciousnesses that make up a society. Stressed individuals create 
a stressed society—a stressed collective consciousness. And everyone embedded 
within that stressed society feels that societal stress. It thereby feeds upon 

Individual practice of certain evidence-based, stress-reducing meditation 
techniques relieves individual stress, according to extensive published 
research. And practice of these techniques—in particular, the Transcendental 
Meditation technique (TM) 
 a significant sub-portion of a population (even 1%) has been similarly shown 
to reduce societal stress, leading to substantially reduced violent crime, 
psychiatric crisis calls, and other indicators of acute societal stress.

Moreover, practice of TM® and the more advanced TM-Sidhi® program in large 
groups has been found to produce an even more powerful societal effect. 
Multiple studies 
 looking at war in the Middle East, as well as global terrorism, have shown 
that as few as the square root of 1% of the population of a given region, 
practicing in large groups, can very effectively defuse and prevent social 
conflict throughout the entire region. (Here is a brief summary 
 of that research.)

It is totally unnecessary for the most violent members of society—criminals and 
terrorists—to engage in these meditation practices. They become settled as the 
society becomes settled, and as local community support for their fanatical 
behaviors dissipates. This has been confirmed again and again. And this is the 
novel, innovative, but extensively proven approach that we are proposing today.

QUESTION: Why is this solution more effective than other approaches?

Conventional approaches to conflict resolution are simply too superficial. They 
are “Band-Aid” approaches in that they do not address the underlying root cause 
of war: escalating political, religious, and ethnic tensions. History shows 
that political settlements and negotiated treaties are hardly worth the paper 
they’re written on. These treaties are historically short-lived because they do 
not address and defuse the deep-seated tensions—the lust for blood vengeance 
that seethes in the hearts of certain historical antagonists.

QUESTION: Has this been tried before—is it tested and proven?

There have been more than 50 demonstrations and 23 scientific studies published 
in leading peer-reviewed scientific journals 
 There have been at least seven interventions 
 in the Middle East since the early 1980s, each time reducing war deaths and 
war-related injuries by an average of 80%, and bringing significant progress 
towards peace among the rival factions. It is a pity that government support 
was not made available to sustain those large, peace-promoting groups of 
meditating experts.

There has never been an approach to preventing war and promoting societal peace 
that has been as rigorously tested, or shown to be as effective, as this 
consciousness-based, brain-based, foundational approach to peace.

QUESTION: Do you feel that conventional approaches to countering terrorism are 
inherently bound to fail?

The historical record is clear. If you look at the Middle East, for example, 
there have been literally hundreds of peace treaties that have lasted, on 
average, only a few months. Negotiated settlements by representatives of 
government—combining diplomacy with threat of force—do not directly address the 
deep-seated stress in the collective consciousness of the masses.

Even military approaches, despite their enormous cost and toll in terms of 
human life and suffering, have rarely achieved a lasting peace. Witness, for 
example, the war in Iraq. Military interventions typically only further inflame 
tensions within these politically volatile regions.

QUESTION: You reference a “technology for peace” that’s more powerful than 
weaponry—could you explain?

When it comes to achieving lasting peace and social harmony, weapons are truly 
not powerful. They are a knee-jerk response in the absence of anything better. 
They appeal to men (mostly!) who seem to be unmindful of their historical 
impotence—of their poor track record. World War I was meant to be “the war to 
end all wars.” But the resulting humiliation and destruction that was wrought 
among the vanquished inevitably led to World War II. We need something more 
successful, more innovative, more powerful—something that addresses and defuses 
the root cause of violence

QUESTION: With so many warring factions and conflicting ideologies, how can any 
approach allow all sides to reconcile and get what they want?

What people fundamentally want cannot be won on the battlefield. They want 
peace. Prosperity. Security. Happiness. The devastation wrought by war is not a 
path to any of these. You cannot achieve peace through violence. Or happiness 
through killing. Instead, it simply perpetuates the endless cycle of war 
followed by war.

If we want peace, then we should enliven peace in the collective consciousness 
of society. If we want happiness, then enliven happiness in the collective 
consciousness of society. There is an abundance of research that shows that TM 
practice enlivens both. (See, e.g., 

QUESTION: What is needed for this to be implemented quickly?

Fortunately, relatively little is needed. Any governing body can designate a 
group of individuals (such as troops at an army base, students at a military 
academy or any sizable university, a group of unemployed citizens, or even a 
group of refugees) to receive training in these powerful, peace-promoting 
technologies. And also provide sufficient funding and resources for their 
security and comfort. Then the Global Union of Scientists for Peace 
 will arrange for their proper training. The effects will be felt immediately, 
within months.

I would also recommend that an additional, large-scale independent research 
study be simultaneously put in place to further demonstrate and document this 
effect, for the satisfaction and benefit of politicians, policy makers, and the 

Any government representative and/or private philanthropist who would like to 
see this done should simply contact: 

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