 From: john.f.t...@campaignforliberty.com
Reply-to:  no-re...@campaignforliberty.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent: 6/11/2009  2:31:57 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: C4L Activists Achieving Success in  States All Across America 

June 11, 2009 

Dear Friend of Liberty, 
In less than a year, Campaign for Liberty has grown to almost 160,000  
members, and our largest legislative push to date (_Audit  the Fed_ 
57A4B8FD) ) has _gained  the support_ 
  of almost 
half the House of  Representatives. 
But there's more news, exciting news, than that! 
I have tried to keep you up-to-date on the fast-moving situations and  
challenges we face from Congress and the White House, but you also should know  
about the tremendous work being done by C4L members like you all across the  
Here are just a few of the successes we are having at the state level: 
Virginia: In September 2008, HB 1587 was introduced into  the Virginia 
legislature to prevent Virginia from complying with any part of  the federal 
REAL ID Act (which C4L Virginia Co-Interim Coordinator Donna Holt  renamed 
"Dangerous ID") or any other federal mandate that compromised the  economic 
privacy or biometric data of Virginians. 
Having such a great bill with which to stand up against a horrendous civil  
liberties violation,Virginia C4L held a “Stop Dangerous ID” Rally with 
other  freedom-loving groups, organized supporters to call and write their 
Virginia  legislators, and saw the fight through until Governor Tim Kaine 
the  bill into law in March. 
Virginia C4L also remained vigilant, rallying members when Governor Kaine  
attempted to pass an amendment to another bill, SB 1046, that would have  
restored compliance with REAL ID. This amendment was defeated in the House by  
a vote of 67-32. 
Congratulations to Donna and her Virginia team! 
California: Last summer, we reported that seven Ron Paul  supporters had 
won seats on the Alameda County GOP Central Committee but were  _challenged_ 
380B6505E8B57A4B8FD)  on  the basis that they hadn't been Republicans long 
enough. Those supporters  _beat  back the challenge_ 
and took their places on the Committee, where they have  used their new 
positions to great effect. 
(Note: As we were getting ready to send this email, C4L received an update  
from our friends on the Alameda County GOP. Ron Paul supporters now control 
16  seats on the 30 member committee, and the California Republican Party 
is  filing briefs in support of the recent appeal contesting our supporters'  
victory in court and calling for their removal from the Alameda County GOP  
Central Committee.) 
Not only were C4L members in Alameda County successful in getting Democrat  
Representative Pete Stark to co-sponsor Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill (HR  
1207), but in March, the Alameda County GOP passed a _resolution  in support 
of HR 1207_ 
  that has become a blueprint for other 
groups  throughout the nation. 
Since March, HR 1207 resolutions have been passed in areas including 
_Sonoma  County_ 
 , California, _Contra  Costa County_ 
6505E8B57A4B8FD) , California, _Clark  County_ 
Nevada, and _Prince  William County_ 
 , Virginia, and by 
groups such as the _Republican  Liberty Caucus of California_ 
A4B8FD)  and the _Louisiana  State Republican Central Committee_ 
m:4:315552929:CB351E915144C380B6505E8B57A4B8FD) . 
Missouri: Less than two weeks before Campaign for  Liberty's _first-ever  
Regional Conference_ 
  in St. Louis, Missouri, the 
Missouri Information  Analysis Center released a _detailed  report_ 
57A4B8FD)  titled "The Modern Militia Movement" to Missouri law enforcement 
This report grouped together Ron Paul and C4L supporters with violent  
extremists in a broad brush effort that targeted almost anyone who holds a  
limited government view. 
C4L members mobilized, petitioned, called, and put on so much pressure that 
 the Missouri Highway Patrol retracted _the  entire document_ 
7A4B8FD) . Our Missouri members are continuing to work with local  
government officials to investigate the origins of the report, hold those  
responsible accountable, and prevent it from happening again. 
Montana: In 2004, longtime Ron Paul supporter Gary Marbut,  president of 
the Montana Shooting Sports Association, wrote the Montana  Firearms Freedom 
Act, which declares federal firearms laws relating to the  vast majority of 
guns built, used, and kept within the state of Montana to be  null and void. 
The MFFA was carried in the 2005 and 2007 sessions of the Montana  
Legislature by former Ron Paul staffer turned legislator, Rep. Roger Koopman  
(R-Bozeman), but was twice defeated in the state Senate. In early 2009,  
Ron Paul supporter, freshman legislator Joel Boniek of Livingston,  Montana, 
pushed the bill through the House, and Campaign for Liberty members  joined 
other freedom-minded activists to _successfully  lobby_ 
)  for its passage in the Senate. _HB  246_ 
signed into law by Montana Governor Brian  Schweitzer on April 15, 2009. (An 
appropriate day to challenge federal  overreaches!) 
Adding teeth to the recent state sovereignty movement, the Montana Firearms 
 Freedom Act, created and driven by Ron Paul supporters, is one of the most 
 bold stands ever taken by a state. According to Gary, "Now clones of the 
MFFA  have been introduced in AK, TX, TN, SC, and MN.  The TN clone has 
passed  the House and Senate with considerable majorities.  I hear serious talk 
about more clones of the MFFA to be introduced ASAP in FL, GA, MO, OK, KS, 
CO,  AZ, WY, UT, ID, and WA." 
As Dr. Paul has noted on many occasions, freedom is popular! 
State Conventions: Over the past several months, state C4L  groups have 
made their presence known at state party conventions, where they  are spreading 
the message, signing up members, and helping steer their state's  parties 
toward freedom. Check out these reports from _Virginia_ 
 ,  _Georgia_ 
 ,  _South  Carolina_ 
8FD) , _Wisconsin_ 
 ,  and _Michigan_ 
4B8FD) . 
In addition to these tremendous stories, C4L members are _petitioning  
their representatives_ 
  about HR 1207 and _persuading  
  to audit the Fed, _winning  seats_ 
5144C380B6505E8B57A4B8FD)  locally and _reclaiming_ 
systems, as well as _speaking  out_ 
  and _planning  
  to promote the cause. 
We are making a difference because our members refuse to back down in the  
face of historic threats to liberty. We are making a difference because  you 
are taking a stand for the principles that made  this nation great. 
Space does not permit me to include all the great member actions, so be  
sure to keep an eye on our Recent Member Posts section on  
CampaignforLiberty.com and check out the Recent Member Posts _archive_ 
for hundreds more of these types of stories. 
Also, visit our new _Audit  the Fed Action Page_ 
download materials, view video updates, check on  the sponsorship status of 
your representative, and read HR 1207-specific  member posts. 
We will be making these types of emails a regular feature and want to hear  
from you! Send success reports you would like to see highlighted to 
If you are not yet involved in your state's Campaign for Liberty, select  
your state on our _State  page_ 
  today, and join the 
ever-growing number of dedicated, liberty-minded  individuals who are 
successfully fighting for their freedoms. 
Much to the dismay of entrenched politicians, lobbyists who have sold their 
 souls to big government, and a mainstream media that sings the praises of 
the  status quo every day, our movement is stronger than ever and is 
reclaiming  America – starting in our own backyard. 

In Liberty, 
John Tate 
P.S. Only your continued support allows Campaign for Liberty to help state  
C4L activists in their fight against big government on a local level. If 
you  are able, please consider _contributing_ 
to help ensure even more state successes in the future. 

To  unsubscribe from future Campaign for Liberty e-mails, _click  here_ 
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You were added  to our system on October 18, 2008.  For more information, 
_click  here_ 


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