From: Kathy McNamara <>
Subject: In case you have friends that might be interested...

Inviting you to join us this Friday, November 30th at 7:30 pm for the final 
intro to the "Living Your Life Purpose” Mastermind group forming at the Qi 
Studio, 60½ South Main (Alley Entrance, behind Infinite Om, Top Floor). 

The Mastermind focus for the month of December will be 'Resonating with your 
Soul's Fingerprint' and will include exercises and repatternings to help you 
get clear on the path that will lead to your greatest fulfillment as well as 
tools to help you navigate your heart’s path with greater ease.

The December topic is ideal for those who:

1. Know they have something more to give, but aren’t clear on what that is, or
2. Are looking at ‘what’s next’ in life, or 
3. Know their purpose AND know they would benefit from group support and 
energetic clearing in living it, or
4. Want group support in walking the path of heart.

You can read more about the Mastermind, check out testimonials &/or register 
for the intro at:

If you’re unable to make the intro, but are interested in exploring whether the 
mastermind is a good fit for you, please contact me directly either by replying 
here, or by calling 641-472-9133.

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