Sent: 7/22/2008  7:33:46 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Letter From Ron

Tuesday, July 22,  2008 
If they expected us to retire quietly from  the scene, the political elite 
are in for a surprise. 
Today I am making some very big  announcements. 
First, from August 31 to September 2 in  Minneapolis, we will host a handful 
of events that will shake the political  establishment. Everything will 
culminate on Tuesday with the official launch  of the _Campaign for Liberty_ 
(http://cp20.com/Tracking/t.c?17mu-1qoy-5f8T69)  at the  Rally for the 
The Campaign for Liberty will be the  largest organization for peace, 
freedom, the Constitution, and sound money in  American history. It will launch 
grand fashion with lots of special guests  and - if the early television and 
print inquiries we've received are any  indication - plenty of media attention. 
I would like to personally invite you and  your family to join me and 
thousands of others in Minneapolis for these events  and send a message to the 
Republican Party. 
Tickets will go on sale for the  _Rally for the Republic_ 
(http://cp20.com/Tracking/t.c?17mu-1qoz-5f8T60)  this  Friday, July 25 @ 10AM 
CST. We  want this 
to be an unforgettable day, so we are holding a ticket  bomb all day Friday in 
the tradition of our famous money bombs. How  many seats can we sell on the 
first day? 
In patriotic fashion all tickets will cost  $17.76, so you can afford to 
bring the whole family. 
This leads me to the second big  announcement. After measuring the excitement 
and enthusiasm, we decided that  the Williams Arena at the University of 
Minnesota was just too small to hold  you. Therefore, we are making a 
upgrade. The Rally for the  Republic will now take place at the Target Center, 
_the largest arena in Minneapolis_ 
(http://cp20.com/Tracking/t.c?17mu-1qp0-5f8T67) ! 
This promises to be the most spirited and  provocative political event of the 
year! We held some very large rallies  during the presidential campaign, but 
I have never attempted anything of this  scale before. Its success rests 
entirely in your  hands. 
Later this week I will announce two  internationally renowned musicians as 
headliners for the Rally for the  Republic. We'll also be joined by rock star 
_Aimee Allen_ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBCKMTo210k) , NBC's Tucker  
Carlson, Barry Goldwater Jr., Gov. Gary Johnson, conservative stalwart Grover  
Norquist, former Reagan deputy Attorney General Bruce Fein, presidential  
historian Doug Wead, MTV's Adam Curry, musician _Mark Scibilia_ 
(http://www.marcscibilia.com/) , and _Frank Sinatra impersonator Rick Ellis_ 
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yBw5mmy_ho) . Other special guests will be 
announced  soon. 
My staff has been working overtime to  provide you with three full days of 
entertainment. Please visit the schedule  page of the website and read all 
upcoming events. We also have a lodging  page to help you find accommodations 
in Minneapolis. 
Together we are taking back our  government and restoring the republic. 
Please join me in Minneapolis to  kickoff the Campaign for Liberty and support 
Revolution. Can I  count on you to be there? 
In Liberty,

P.S. I know that you have done so much already, but with both  major party 
nominees threatening to lead us into bankruptcy at home and more  wars abroad, 
the success of the Rally for the Republic and the launch of the  Campaign for 
Liberty is crucial. Please do what you can to be in  Minneapolis August 31 - 
September 2 and send a loud and clear  message of freedom, peace, and 
Pol. Adv. Paid for by  Committee to Re-Elect Ron Paul 

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unsubscribe requests. 

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