 From: update...@ronpaulforcongress.com
Reply-to:  congressman_ron_paul_epjop_lnf...@cp20.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent:  5/18/2009 4:14:41 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Please Support Adam  Kokesh

Dear Friends,

Adam Kokesh has been a tremendous supporter - of both me AND you! As a  
leader of Iraqi Veterans Against the War, Adam has spent years traveling the  
country to spread our message of peace, a strong national defense and limited 
 government. Adam has tremendous credibility because of his service in the  
United States Marine Corps and I have deep respect for his commitment to  
And now, Adam Kokesh needs our support. 
Adam has formed an exploratory committee to run for Congress in his home  
state of New Mexico. Sending Adam Kokesh to Congress would be a tremendous  
victory for the Freedom Movement, and if we come together and stand behind  
him, he has a real chance to win. 
This race will be difficult, but I know Adam has the energy and drive to be 
 successful and pour every ounce of himself into this effort. I urge you to 
go  to _www.KokeshforCongress.com_ 
(http://cp20.com/Tracking/t.c?6P1K-3xrj-5f8T64)   and support him in anyway you 
feel comfortable. Whether it is 
making a  financial contribution, volunteering or getting more information 
with  your friends and family, Adam needs your support now so he can start 
down this  long journey with momentum and a strong wind at his back. 
We have a chance to help a real patriot and lover of liberty join me in  
Washington. Again, I hope you will help me support Adam Kokesh for  Congress. 
In Liberty,

Ron Paul


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