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Dear Fairfield 
Dear Fairfield Community, Attorney General Office Visit Was A Great Success. 
60-70 Sidhas attended the visit of the Iowa Deputy Attorney General Nathan 
Blake and Fraud expert Al Perales, filling most of the seats in the Senior 
Center, with a number of people standing. It was exciting, and our gratitude to 
all of you who came - your presence was so important - a key message to both 
the Atty General office, and to KTVO and the FF Ledger, who both did stories. 
Important Announcement that took place at the event: Mayor Ed Malloy decided on 
the basis of the strong attendance, and the firm and strong statements made by 
many, to renew his efforts to negotiate with Alliant Energy to allow us to keep 
our analog meters. Alliant had given him no room on that previously, but the 
strength of your turn out inspired Ed to re-continue. So THANK YOU again for 
coming ! 
The Iowa Utilities Board has an online complaint form.
Please access that form (link is below), with your name, address, Alliant 
account number, etc.
Within the dashed lines (below) is some sample text for you to place, in the 
online complaint form, in the "Description of Complaint" box at the end of the 
form. Please change this text any way that suits you, so that it reflects you, 
or you can just use it as it is.
NOTE: the "Description of Complaint" box may seem to be tiny, but it will 
actually hold quite a bit of text, so you can copy and paste the Suggested Text 
(below) into the box.
- - - - - - - - - - Begin Suggested Complaint Text - - - - - - - - - -
1. Alliant is attempting to force me to accept, use and pay for Smart Meter 
technology that I do not believe is safe for myself and family.
2. Alliant is refusing to acknowledge my rights as a consumer to choose the 
product that I trust and consider safe. I sent a Certified Mail Refusal Letter 
to Alliant Energy insisting that I be offered the right to keep my Analog 
meter. I was told that Alliant will disregard my letter. When I walked into the 
Alliant Open House they posted on Q & A, Q. Can I keep my Analog? A. NO. Then 
the phone call to Alliant they suggested we make, is an ‘Opt-In’ to whatever 
options they are deciding to offer, disregarding what we want. We were told we 
would have a contract to review and we have not been given one, we have nothing 
in writing.
3. Alliant's alternative technology, called the "Digital Meter" is also not 
acceptable to me as it causes Dirty Electricity which is a known health hazard.
4. Alliant Customer Service Representative told me on the phone that if I 
insist on keeping my Analog, I may end up with no Power at all which is life 
threatening in the Winter and unlawful, taking unfair advantage of their 
monopoly, and using unreasonable force.
5. Alliant has misrepresented the facts of the Smart Meter radiation and 
functioning details on their website. Measurements made on Alliant smart meters 
in Wisconsin show radiation several times a minute. Alliant is telling people 
that radiation is 6 times per day.
6. The meter they are installing has a history of starting fires.
7. I do not want to live in a town covered by EMF smog, a cloud of radiation. I 
am not willing to have radiation in my home and town around the clock with no 
ability to turn it off, escape from or obtain relief from its influence.
8. I am not interested in allowing the surveillance abilities of the Smart 
Meters to monitor any of the activities in my home. I do not want the usage of 
my appliances collected and sent to any other party, I consider this a 
violation of the 4th Amendment to the Constitution.
IN SUMMARY: I want to keep my Analog meter and not have to pay a fine or 
penalty initially or periodically thereafter for this arrangement.
- - - - - - - - - - End Suggested Complaint Text - - - - - - - - - -
Here is the online complaint form: 

After you submit the above form, please send us a quick email so that we can 
keep track of how many people have submitted. Even better, write your copy into 
word and then paste it on the complaint form and email that to us. (but if too 
hard, just a note that you sent one will work.)
Please send your copy to: 
<>.     This email will just be 
used to ‘collect’ complaints that were sent in. If you want to communicate 
anything else please use the 
<> for that.
Thank you and Blessings to All,

Volunteers will be available at Everybody's for questions Mon-Fri 2:30-4:30 
this week and also to continue sending Certified Refusals. The IUB told us they 
need to hear our voice. Those that haven't sent, please bring account # and $5 
any afternoon this week.

Fairfield Safe Meters
FF Safe Meters | Main Street, Fairfield, IA 52556
Update Profile 
 | About our service provider 
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