Sent: 8/7/2008 4:56:16  P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: What's New on Human  Events

** WELCOME!  ** HUMAN EVENTS is pleased to deliver our Weekly Wrap-Up  to you 
on Fridays.  
The Weekly Wrap-Up will keep you up to date with all the  latest conservative 
news and commentary as we bring you the top articles  from HumanEvents.com 
every week. 
Plus, as a new Weekly Wrap-Up subscriber, _you can get a FREE copy of the 
Politically  Incorrect Guide to the Middle East_ 
) .     
Featuring this week's top story and our 5 headline stories.  Below is just a 
small portion of what you will find every day at  _HumanEvents.com_ 
E266443B0FA38A1BD14888) .      Today's Top Story         
_EXCLUSIVE:  Interview with David Freddoso_ 
Author of 'The Case  Against Barack Obama' 
By Michelle Oddis 
Michelle  Oddis: Dave, you're a reporter, not a columnist. You've  worked 
very hard to dig into the Obama story. You've said that  you started reporting 
Barack Obama in 2004. After all this  research, what do you think is the most 
important thing people  should know about Sen. Obama? 
David  Freddoso: The main lesson is that Barack Obama's record,  throughout 
his career, demonstrates conclusively that he has  never been a reformer, that 
this image of "change and hope" that  he projects is really a great lie. In 
fact there's never been a  single time in Senator Obama's political career 
he did  something that was difficult and would cost him politically for  the 
sake of needed reforms and change.
_Read the Full Story Here_ (http://paracom.paramountc
(Continued  Below)
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A Stock Tip from... Ann  Coulter? 
Do you know which special interest has given more money  to the Obama and 
Clinton campaigns than any other? 
If you guessed "trial lawyers" -- well, okay, that's too  easy. But can you 
guess which special interest came in  second? 
Labor unions? Nope. The Green Lobby? Nope. AARP? Wrong,  again. NEA? Nyet. 
Give up? Okay, here's the answer... 
_Read the rest of Ann's letter  here_ 
   This Week's Top Human Events  Articles       
5. _What's the Difference Between the Government  and the Mob?_ 
by Erick Erickson 
A law school professor of mine once said the only major  difference between 
the government and the mafia is that the  government calls its bill collector 
the "IRS" and the mafia calls  its bill collector "Big Louie." While an 
exaggeration to make a  rhetorical point, if the Senate dips below 41 
Senators  this year, there will be one other difference between the  government 
and mafia that goes out the window. 
_Read the Full Story Here_ 

4. _Pakistan, Iran and Bush's Last  Months_ 
by Jed Babbin 
For the next 169 days, George W. Bush will be President of the  United 
States. For ninety-one of those days, our attention will be  focused more on 
contest to succeed him than on what Bush can  and should do in his remaining 
in office. 
_Read the Full Story Here_ 

3. _Obama Watch: A Ludicrous Double  Standard_ 
by Lisa De Pasquale 
Every time a right-winger like Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh  offends the 
sensibilities of the Left, they demand that Republican  presidential candidates 
and party leaders denounce the joke and  the person -- and, unfortunately, they 
do. It was reported last  week that rapper Ludacris's new song "Politics As 
Usual" insults  President Bush, Senator Hillary Clinton and John McCain. The  
Associated Press wrote, "The song brags about an Obama presidency  being 
destiny. It uses an expletive to describe Clinton, calls  Bush 'mentally 
and says McCain doesn't belong in 'any  chair unless he's paralyzed.'" 
_Read the Full Story  Here_ 

(Continued  Below)
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2. _Gauging Obama's Energy  Policy_ 
by A.W.R. Hawkins 
Barack Obama recently announced that if elected President, he  would 
implement a "windfall profits tax" on oil companies to force  them to 
"contribute a 
reasonable share" of their profits to  American families burdened by high 
costs. The money would  come to families via rebates, or "stimulus checks," 
from the  federal government. And while he was obviously proud of his big  
idea, Obama did not bother mentioning that the Democrat practice  of putting 
socialism first, the environment second, and the  American people third, is 
brought us to the brink we now face  over energy costs in the first place. He 
also remains mute on the  fact that the rebates really aren't rebates at all, 
and will  result in higher prices at the pump once they are issued. 
_Read the Full Story Here_ 

1. _Don't Buy Le  Tanker_ 
by Bay Buchanan 
The debate over whether America's Boeing or Europe's Airbus  should be given 
the contract to build America's next generation of  mid-air refueling tankers 
has focused on several important topics,  including the embarrassing flaws a 
recent General Accountability  Office report found in the Air Force procurement 
process, the  reshuffling of Pentagon jobs in its wake, and the suitability 
of  both aircraft for the mission, chronicled in an excellent series  in HUMAN 
_Read the Full Story Here_ 

Join us every day next week for articles by Ann Coulter, Karl  Rove, Dick 
Morris, Mark Levin, Michael Reagan, David Limbaugh  and many more as well as a 
special one-on-one interview with  Rush only here on _HUMAN EVENTS_ 
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and receive a FREE copy of Ann Coulter's  newest book, If Democrats Had Any 
Brains, They'd Be  Republicans -- a $24.95 value! 
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