Global fraud: global hope
by Paul Hellyer

The following is an abridged version of a speech by former Canadian
Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Paul Hellyer at the
International UFO Congress held in Arizona, USA, in February 2011. Mr
Hellyer not only gave Share International permission to reprint material
from his speech but requested that we disseminate the ideas contained in

The world financial system is a total fraud. It is one gargantuan Ponzi
scheme [in which banks] lend the same money to several people or
institutions at the same time and collect interest on it from each. What
the banks really lend, however, is their credit, and what they take back
in compensation for that privilege is a debt that must be repaid with

A world system where all the money is created as debt is a perpetual
disaster in the making. It is like a giant balloon that the banks pump
full of debt. The balloon gets larger and larger until the debt load
becomes too heavy to carry, and then it is like a balloon with a pin
stuck in it. The system crashes and thousands or sometimes millions of
innocent people lose their jobs, homes, farms and businesses.…

The long-term influence of the banking cartel is incalculable. Their
biggest coup was the establishment of the Federal Reserve System in the
United States. The big New York banks really didn't like the idea of
genuine competition, so a small group held a secret meeting at the
private resort of JP Morgan on Jekyll Island, off the coast of Georgia
[in 1910]. Their scheme, devised by Paul M. Warburg, and subsequently
adopted by Congress, is a legal private monopoly of the US money supply
operated for the benefit of the few under the guise of protecting and
promoting the public interest.…

To put it bluntly, the Congress transferred its sovereign constitutional
right to create money to the sole custody of a group of private bankers.
The magnitude of the heist is unprecedented in the history of the world
– the numbers now are in the high trillions.…

Global warming

While bank reform is the most urgent problem facing the world today, it
is global warming that has equally or even greater long-term
consequences. It is a total fraud to pretend that we have 30, 40 or 50
years to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.…

Still the oil cartel is making plans as if nothing is going to change,
and that we are going to be stuck with a fatal oil economy for decades
until the damage is irreversible. It is too late to begin more offshore
drilling. It is too late for new developments in the Alberta oil sands.
It is too late for more noisy windmill farms. The transition must start
now, with a 10-year deadline.

Is that possible? Of course it's possible but only with the kind of
mobilization essential to win a war for survival. One excuse for
inaction has been the lack of money due to government deficits and debt.
But that obstacle can be overcome in less than a year if governments and
legislatures change the system and exercise their sovereign right to
make what is physically possible financially possible. Heaven knows
there are millions of unemployed workers worldwide waiting to rise to
the challenge.

The other major obstacle has been a lack of consensus on the form of
clean energy to use to replace fossil fuels. And that brings me,
finally, to the subject of the day, the extraterrestrial presence and

The extraterrestrial presence and technology

It is a fraud for the US government to pretend that it is not interested
in UFOs. In fact, it has been a matter of high and probably pre-eminent
interest for decades.

An early Canadian ufologist, Wilbert Smith, who was a senior employee at
the Department of Transport, where I became minister not long after his
retirement, wrote a top secret memorandum to the Controller of
Communications dated 21 November 1950, asking permission to set up a
group to study the geomagnetic aspects of UFOs' propulsion systems.

As part of his memorandum Smith said that he had made discreet enquiries
through the Canadian embassy staff in Washington where he obtained the
following information.

(a) The matter is the most highly classified subject in the United
States government, rating higher even than the H-bomb.

(b) Flying saucers exist.

(c) Their modus operandi is unknown but concentrated effort is being
made by a small group, headed by Doctor Vannevar Bush.

(d) The entire matter is considered by the United States authorities to
be of tremendous significance.

So, Dr Vannevar Bush, one of America's pre-eminent scientists, and a
team of experts he had assembled, were already working on
back-engineering by 1950. (Back-engineering is the combined art and
science of analyzing an object, in this case parts of a crashed vehicle,
in order to determine its characteristics for possible replication or
adaptation.) .…

It is very difficult to imagine how much has been achieved in 60 years
of back-engineering alien technology that was much more advanced than
our own. There is no doubt that myriad scientists, technicians, and many
of America's most advanced aircraft and weapons corporations must
have achieved what would have been classified as miracles just a few
years ago.…

The area of discovery that is most relevant to this presentation is the
question of exotic energy sources. Years ago it was reported that both
zero point and cold fusion energy had been developed. These are energy
sources that could facilitate the 10-year target date and not only
revolutionalize the world for the better, but help preserve it as a
happy habitat for Earthlings.

In the unlikely event that these sources are not yet commercially
viable, all we would have to do is ask one of the friendly species to
help us and they would because they are deeply concerned about our
stewardship. In the event that we are still treating them as enemy
aliens, and doing our best to shoot them down, we would have to curb our
lust of conflict and adopt an acceptable level of intergalactic

Better people

The third essential change is for us as individuals. A just and peaceful
world is not possible when it is riddled with graft, fraud and
corruption of all kinds. Greed is king and mammon rules the world.

Institutions have to change too. For centuries major religions have been
selling their alleged superiority or exclusiveness at the point of a
sword, leading to the deaths of thousands of innocents. The three
Abrahamic religions, for example, all claim the inside route to
paradise. Mathematically that is impossible. It is far more probable,
mathematically, that they are all wrong and that the truth is larger and
more inclusive.

Ancient and modern history both suggest that there is no hope of a just
and peaceful world unless all religions, and those with no religion,
forget their differences and start working together to build the Kingdom
of God on Earth. I define this as a world where every child can expect
food to eat, clean water to drink, adequate clothing to wear, a roof
overhead, access to medical support and enough education to be able to
determine how best he or she can serve humankind positively, with
dignity and self-fulfillment.

What a wonderful world that would be! But it would require a 180-degree
change in policies and priorities and a serious effort to apply the
Golden Rule that all religions claim as a common thread.…

An agenda for action

The first and most urgent project is to clip the wings of the bankers
and democratize the money-creation function. In the US the Federal
Reserve System must be abolished and its alleged function of regulating
the money supply be assumed by the federal government or an agency under
its direct control. The most powerful and valuable tool in the economic
arsenal must be available to the representatives of the people who can
be held responsible for their success or failure.

Some monetary reformers recommend that governments create 100 per cent
of new money in a debt-free form, greenbacks or equivalent. In the
interests of a fast and smooth transition I am suggesting that a ratio
of 34 per cent government-created money to 66 per cent bank-created
money would work satisfactorily. Banks would be required to maintain 34
per cent cash reserves against their deposits.

The important thing is that governments must immediately create the
large sums necessary to balance their budgets and get their economies
running at maximum output again. I am talking about an infusion of
perhaps US$10 trillion equivalent to start and more if needed to get
economies up to speed and to reduce unemployment worldwide by at least
half, with the creation of millions of new jobs.

Is this likely to cause massive inflation, as the financial cartel will
immediately allege, because it is one of its longest running and most
successful bugbears? The answer to their phoney phonetics is a
resounding "no." As any economist should know, it is the amount
of money that is created that influences prices, and not who prints it.
So as long as governments limit what economists call "the multiplier
effect" there will be no problem.

Certainly the present system has been inflationary. A 1950 US dollar is
only worth 7.5 cents today. A common sense monetary system should
produce better results than that. So there is no reason why the banking
system should not be fundamentally reformed – at once!

There are four other actions that I think we, the people of the world,
should demand of our politicians.

1. A law must be passed at once to prohibit all politicians, candidates
for political office and political parties from accepting money from any
financial institution as well as make it a criminal offence for any such
institution either directly or indirectly to offer it.

2. World leaders must adopt a ten-year time frame to reduce greenhouse
emissions by 90 per cent.

3. That will only be possible if the US discloses its knowledge of the
ET presence and technology, and what has been accomplished in 60 years
of back-engineering.

4. The UN should declare 2012 the year of forgiveness and reconciliation
– a new era of co-operation and (agape) love between races, tribes,
religions, nations, and regions both global and intergalactic. We have
so much to learn from our star visitors in many areas including medicine
and food production.

International finance versus the people of the world

None of this vision of a just and peaceful world will be possible unless
the all-pervasive power of the international banks has been broken …
The internet is providing power to the people that they have never
enjoyed before. The young people of the world, in concert with the
thousands of their parents and others who care about the state of the
world, can use the power of social networking to effect a miracle on
their own behalf and that of succeeding generations.

The valiant people of Tunisia and Egypt have shown the way by achieving
what was believed to be impossible. We share their euphoria. At the same
time they, and we, must acknowledge that it is only the beginning. Real
freedom will only be possible when they have escaped from the tyranny of
international banks, and Wall Street is no longer able to manipulate the
price of their daily bread.

A good start might be to distribute a million copies of this speech and
translate it into a number of languages. Then the rising generation can
bombard the barricades through their social networks. Regime change is
not necessary except for leaders who refuse to see the light. But
concerned citizens of the world should band together and rattle the
cages of all federal politicians. Tell them bluntly that they must
vigorously support the above agenda or face inevitable defeat at the
next election. It is a simple message, but the only one they understand.

At a press conference on 29 March 2001, announcing the US was backing
out of the Kyoto Protocol, President George W.Bush said: "A friend
is someone who tells you the truth." That is what I have been doing
today. It is a message of global hope for every race, color, religion
and nationality in the world and of peaceful relations with visitors
from other realms.

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