Made 7.6 Mil in first weekend.  IMDB  says that when a teacher is asked a 
question about Jesus, she gives a "reasoned response".  What's wrong with that? 
 Apparently she was accused of preaching from a perspective of religious belief.
 Article in Charisma Magazine, April 2016 entitled "When a Movie Becomes a 
Movement - How God's Not Dead transcended expectations and created a movement 
of young people who can defend their faith", by Taylor Berglund, base4d on the 
book by Evangelist Rice Broocks. P. 26 states "Peter Kane {Ray Wise} is a civil 
liberties lawyer with no love for Christians.  In God's Not Dead 2 he aims to 
prove in court God is dead".

 [my comment thus far: if a public school teacher is preaching religion in a 
classroom it seems to be that the basic setup is backwards.  The Prosecutor 
doesn't have to prove God is Dead.  If anything, the defendant should offer 
some evidence for what she's saying is true.  If not, then the statement can be 
presented in a Biblical Literature context, not "true because the Bible says 
so".She of course is entitled to her religious beliefs, but not to present such 
beliefs as "the truth" when all she has is religious dogma.]

 [Let's see what the article's writer has to say in the way of Christian 
Apologetics.  "Debunking 4 Myths about Jesus", ....Rice Broocks answers 
 "Broocks ...grapples with common arguments that get raised about the 
existence, death, and resurrection of Christ.  Here are a few common myths the 
book [his book Man, Myth, Messiah" debunks:

 1. Jesus never really existed.  "Those who assert Jesus was not a real man are 
flaunting an ignorance of history".

 2. The Gospels aren't reliable. Broocks states that the nuances or 
"inconsistencies" of eye-witnesses mirror actual inconsistencies seen in many 
court cases, furthering the conclusion that the four Gospels are four honest 
eyewitness testimonies of Jesus. [my comment: his reply of being mirrored in 
many court cases is inadequate.  We are interested in a specific case]

 3.  Jesus'story is just stolen from other, older myths. Broocks says "Scholars 
point out that just because two accounts have parallels does not mean that one 
account writer copied the other" [true, but one must examine various lines of 
evidence including writing styles and other measures of accuracy.].

 4. Jesus never claimed He was God. [Brooks says "Jesus' behavior and sayings 
certainly suggested He was God in a way that would have been exp0licit to His 
Jewish audience.  He offered forgiveness rather than saying God would forgive 
someone (Mark 2:-1)  And the introduction to the Gospel of John says that Jesus 
was God. (Jn 1:1-3, 14-18).

 [my last comment on this: Since the article was written by an Evangelical and 
Broocks likewise is an Evangelical, the term "God" refers to the 
Judaeo-Christian Father, YHVH; not "the Ground of Being".]
 God's Not Dead 2: Official Trailer #2 
 God's Not Dead 2: Official Trailer #2 Watch the trailer for the new 
movie, God's Not Dead 2, which will be in theaters April 1, 2016! Want more 
info about the film? Visit
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