Since Bob has me pondering the writing process, I thought
I'd rap a bit on one of the fundamental issue of a writer 
"finding his voice." It's NOT in my opinion the "finding" 
that's an issue as to whether the writing is finally 
appreciated; it's whether anyone wants to listen to 
that voice.

Some writers' voices are pleasant. Just like with human
voices, you resonate with the writer's "writing voice" 
and accept its invitation to suspend your disbelief and
venture into the workings of the writer's mind. And other
voices...uh...not so much. Some of these others are like
that girl with the high, squeaky voice who just wouldn't
stop talk, talk, talking on the date you were coerced 
into having with her, until like Rosanne Rosanadana you
thought-a you were gonna DIE. Rather than invite you in,
these writers' styles and voices tends to keep you out.

I've been thinking about this lately, since the appear-
ance of MZ on this forum, especially in the posts in 
which his writer's voice is juxtaposed with Curtis' 
writer's voice. All the difference in the world IMO.

I would categorize Curtis' writing as "inclusive." His
voice and his style invite you in and make you want to
keep reading, in part because you get the feeling that
there is actually a story being told, and you'd like to
hear the end of it. MZ, on the other hand, I would 
categorize as "exclusive." The writing is verbose and
difficult to parse, the things he's interested in seem
to run the gamut from M to E, and worst, if you actually
plow through one of his tomes there is rarely IMO a 
payoff. There is just no there there.

And I suspect that the difference in these two writers'
style and voice reflects to some extent their views of
other people, and of the communication process itself.
Curtis actually wants to connect with people, not just
to express his POV, but to learn about theirs. I do not 
get that feeling from Robin - MZ. I get the feeling that 
he's primarily writing to hear the sound of his own
voice in his head, and whether anyone else gets it or 
resonates with it just doesn't interest him that much.

YMMV on this, and probably does. I'm just reporting my
reactions to two different writers on this forum, and 
trying to nail down what it is that causes that reaction.
My reaction to MZ is odd, because I actually agree with
some of his opinions. It's just that I can't bring myself
to actually read many of those opinions because his voice
and his writing style seem to me so exclusive; they keep 
me out as opposed to inviting me in.

Maybe the difference is as simple as Curtis being an enter-
tainer and MZ not. Curtis doesn't get paid unless he can
find a way to invite people into his world in such a way
that they actually want to come in. 

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