Hillary Clinton faces tough Mideast challenge
Tue Dec 30, 2008
By Sue Pleming

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Israel's attacks on Gaza could test Hillary
Clinton's mettle as the next top U.S. diplomat mediating between
Israelis and Palestinians.

As incoming President Barack Obama's secretary of state, she will have
to overcome a view of some in the Arab world she is more interested in
supporting Israel than being even-handed.

Once she stops being a U.S. senator from New York to take her new job,
Clinton could find herself pursuing the same Middle East peace that
eluded her husband, former President Bill Clinton, in the final months
of his presidency in 2000.

University of Maryland professor Shibley Telhami said opinion polls he
conducted earlier this year in Arab countries indicated Clinton was
viewed as someone who, like her husband, would work to advance Middle
East peace.

"Bill Clinton had a much more positive image in the Middle East (than
George W. Bush) and Hillary is seen in a similar light," he said,
adding that her past support for Israel would not necessarily count
against her.

But even if Clinton were ready to take on the role of peace broker
early on, the upsurge in violence and Israeli and Palestinian
elections expected over the next two months, would likely delay
meaningful discussions.

"There is too much blood spilled for this to end quickly." said Telhami.

Aaron Miller, who advised six secretaries of state in
Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, said Clinton was respected in the
region and disputed that she was viewed as pro-Israeli.

He said Clinton's personal and political battles as a former U.S.
presidential candidate, made her tough and resilient -- desirable
attributes in Middle East diplomacy.

More important than her prowess as a mediator will be how high a
priority Obama makes the Israeli-Palestinian issue among the many
challenges facing his new administration.

"She will have to do the heavy lifting but she must be empowered and
backed up and supported by the president," said Miller, who is now at
the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington.


Clinton, who lost the Democratic presidential nomination to Obama,
needs to maintain a strong relationship with the new president to be
effective, he added.

While well-versed in foreign affairs, Clinton has yet to be tested in
a crisis, such as the Israeli offensive against Gaza to suppress
Palestinian rocket fire against its citizens.

"She (Clinton) does not have a lot of experience in the Byzantine
negotiations in the Arab world," said Jeffrey White, of the Washington
Institute for Near East Policy.

The Bush administration has so far backed Israel's actions in Gaza and
demanded the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas stop firing rockets into
Israel and agree to a lasting cease-fire.

Edward Walker, former U.S. ambassador to Israel and Egypt, said
Clinton should go the region early. Her confirmation hearings are
expected in mid-January and she could take office immediately after
Obama's Jan. 20 inauguration.

"What the administration needs to do is to say that we consider
Israeli-Palestinian peace a priority but that we cannot force the
parties into an agreement unless they are prepared for an agreement,"
Walker said.

Outgoing U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who has spoken to
Clinton since the latest violence erupted, made Israeli-Palestinian
peace a priority in her past two years.

She has said both sides are closer than ever to an agreement, but
Hamas was always left out of negotiations because it refuses to
recognize Israel's right to exist. Washington regards President
Mahmoud Abbas who rules the West Bank as the sole legitimate
Palestinian representative.

Experts say it is unlikely there will be any dramatic shift in U.S.
policy toward Hamas, which has been isolated and sanctioned by
Washington and its close allies.

"There will not be a turnaround in U.S. policy. They are going to have
the same problems and that is how do you put Humpty Dumpty back
together again?," said Walker.

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