To All:

Please, read the article below.  Given the comments made here about 
her, I still believe the gender issue was very much a factor to her 
loss.  That goes to show the Americans are still not ready for a 
female president.


Hillary Clinton shattered a political glass ceiling By Linda Feldmann 
Fri Jun 6, 4:00 AM ET
Washington - Many of the factors that led Hillary Rodham Clinton's 
historic presidential campaign to fall short are by now well-

The New York senator based her initial message on inevitability, 
toughness, and experience when the public was clamoring for change. 
She underestimated the importance of small caucus states, barely 
competing in some, and allowed Barack Obama to rack up a lead in 
pledged delegates that proved impossible to overcome.She assumed she 
would have the nomination wrapped up on Feb. 5, Super Tuesday, and 
when she didn't, had to scramble to organize and raise more money. 
She got beaten by Senator Obama in Internet fundraising and 
organizing. And her husband, the former president, proved at crucial 
times to be a liability.

But with Senator Clinton prepared to suspend her campaign Saturday, 
gender does not belong on that list, analysts say. Certainly, she 
encountered sexism on the trail and in media coverage, and a quick 
cruise around the Web could have found some of the crudest examples 
of misogyny imaginable aimed at her. But being female did not cost 
her the nomination.

"No, it was a good thing," says Dianne Bystrom, director of the 
Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics at Iowa State 
University. "I think she got support because she's a woman. I think 
Barack Obama is getting support because he's African-American. It's 
because people want something different. Both campaigns are historic, 
and the [simultaneous] timing is unfortunate."

A new CBS News poll shows most voters think that by making a serious 
run for the Democratic nomination, Clinton made it easier for other 
women to run for president. Sixty percent of men and 76 percent of 
women agree with that statement. Among Democrats, 75 percent agree; 
among Republicans, it's 63 percent.

Overall, 88 percent of voters agree with the statement "I am glad to 
see a woman as a serious contender for president." In 1984, when 
Geraldine Ferraro made history as the first female vice-presidential 
nominee for a major party, a CBS poll found only 62 percent of voters 
were "glad that a woman was nominated."

Earlier this year, Ms. Ferraro made headlines again when she 
suggested that Obama's race gave him an advantage, and in a column in 
The Boston Globe, she spoke of Democratic women's anger over how 
sexism hurt Clinton's candidacy.

Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy 
Center at the University of Pennsylvania, says key gender-related 
moments on the eve of the New Hampshire primary led women to rush to 
her side and handed her a narrow victory, saving her campaign.

"I think four moments put together signaled to women something was 
happening here that was unfair, and they rallied," says Ms. Jamieson.

One was when Clinton was asked about her likability in the ABC-TV 
debate. She quipped that the question had hurt her feelings, says 
Jamieson, while Obama "peevishly" called her "likable enough."

Another episode came at a Clinton event in Salem, N.H., when a young 
man yelled "Iron my shirt." Third was the moment at a New Hampshire 
diner, when Clinton teared up over a question about the rigors of the 
campaign. And fourth was a response by Democratic candidate John 
Edwards questioning Clinton's ability to hold up as commander in 

In the Iowa caucuses, where Clinton came in third, entrance polls 
showed 35 percent of women voters favored Obama, versus 30 percent 
for Clinton. Five days later in New Hampshire, which Clinton won by 
just 2 points, 46 percent of white women voted for her and 33 percent 
for Obama.

Still, Jamieson believes Clinton's campaign was hurt at other times 
by unequal media treatment. On Feb. 10, CBS's "60 Minutes" featured 
interviews with both Clinton and Obama. In the Clinton interview, 
Katie Couric asked soft questions – some of them inappropriately 
gender-specific, Jamieson says. One example: "Someone told me your 
nickname in school was Miss Frigidaire. Is that true?" Obama, in his 
interview with Scott Pelley, was asked about policy.

Examples of sexist language aimed at Clinton in the media during the 
campaign are legion. Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh 
asked: "Will Americans want to watch a woman get older before their 
eyes?" MSNBC host Chris Matthews had to apologize on-air for a 
comment he had made suggesting Clinton wouldn't be contending for the 
presidency if husband Bill hadn't "fooled around" with Monica 
Lewinsky. Another MSNBC reporter, David Shuster, was suspended 
temporarily after joking that the campaign was "pimping out" 
Clinton's daughter, Chelsea.

Bill Carrick, a Los Angeles-based Democratic strategist, says 
watching Clinton grapple with the gender issue reminds him of now-
Sen. Dianne Feinstein's race for California governor in 1990.

"We always tried to make sure what we were telling the voters was not 
just a narrow definition of Dianne Feinstein, but a complete 
definition," he says. "She was a great leader, and a very empathetic 
person who worked on issues that impact average people."

In Clinton's case, he says, by the time she got to the Texas and Ohio 
primaries, she became a much stronger candidate, because her message 
focused on how she would stand up for people and solve healthcare and 
economic problems. But by then, she had come off an 11-contest losing 
streak, and Obama's lead in pledged delegates had proved 

Clinton's vaunted strength among women voters, particularly older 
women, has by now flowered into a movement that rivals in some ways 
the movement that coalesced early around Obama. 

Clinton may not have been able to summon Obama-sized numbers of 
people to her rallies, but polls show a fervency to her supporters' 
feeling that in some ways is stronger than Obama supporters'. Exit 
polls in the later Democratic primaries showed Clinton voters less 
willing to vote for Obama in November than vice versa. 

Now that Clinton has lost the nomination, how her supporters behave 
will be crucial to Obama's prospects against Republican John McCain. 
And thus all eyes will be on Clinton Saturday when she suspends her 
race and expresses her support for Obama. Going forward, the question 
is, how hard will she work for Obama, and will her supporters follow 
her lead? 

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