Most practical Americans know that building the Wall is useless and expensive.  
But Trump is  saying all of the crimes and ills of America are due to the 
Mexicans.  So, he tells America to build the Wall and the costs will be paid by 
the Mexican government.  By saying so, he is fulfilling one the major promises 
in his campaign.

 But in reality, he knows this idea will never fly.  The cost of the Wall will 
be paid by Americans in terms of higher costs of products coming from overseas, 
particularly Mexico.  If the Mexicans don't pay up, he can deport all of the 
illegal Mexicans in this country.  He can say that he created jobs and 
prosperity by building the Wall and claim that he cut crime and social cost by 
building the Wall.  So, in the end, America will have a Wall in the middle of 
the desert as a testament to American ingenuity and wisdom.  But will the 
Americans of the future understand it as such?



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