Found this on YouTube

and thought it gives a pretty good idea of the surf culture up 
here.  I don't know these guys in the vid but they have that 
familiar look.  This looks like it was taken in the fall and most of 
it looks like it was shot at the North Jetty, a surfbreak at the 
mouth of Humboldt Bay but there are some other surfbreaks in there, 

The weather the last several days up here has been unseasonally 
warm, more like summer than spring, with temps in the high 70s with 
cloudless blue sky and exceptionally sweet surf.  I've been out 
surfing 3 of the last 4 days and yesterday, when I didn't surf 
myself I spent several hours just watching the action at one of the 
iconic surfbreaks up here, Camel Rock (  )

Looking down from about 100-150 feet at the top of the cliffs I 
could see perfect breaking, clean-faced wave sets and a score of 
surfers at any one time stretched out and dotting several hundred 
yards of the ocean; the light of the late-day sun turned the 
wavetops glowing green and the spray into spun gold.  Standing at 
the top of one of the trails down to the beach I'd watch the surfers 
as they headed down and when they came up.  Lovely bodies, young men 
with all the suppleness and casual athleticism of youth, with their 
wetsuits pulled down to the waist; older men like myself, some 
leaner and some softer but each with a sense of chronic elation 
etched on their face; young seal women perfect in every way, all 
carrying their boards like heraldic shields.

And far beyond the surf riders I could see the blowing of 3 or more 
whales as they head north on business or joy of their own.


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