YS II 40:
shaucaat svaan.ga-jugupsaa parair asaMsargaH.
Some translations:

>From The Practice Of Purification, Aversion Towards One's Own Body
Is Developed And Thus Aversion Extends To Contact With Other Bodies.

>From physical purity (arises) disgust for one's own body and
disinclination to come in physical contact with others.

By purification arises disgust for one's own body and for contact
with other bodies.

As the result of purity, there arises indifference toward the body and
disgust for physical intercourse with others.

Internal and external cleanliness being established, arises disgust for
one's own body, and non-intercourse with other bodies.

Do you guys think a-saMsarga refers specifically to sexual intercourse?

saMsargamfn. commingling , combining (intr.) Ka1tyS3r. ; m. (ifc. f.
%{A}) mixture or union together , commixture , blending , conjunction ,
connection , contact , association , society , sexual union ,
intercourse with (gen. instr. with and without %{saha} loc. , or comp.)
S3rS. Pra1t. MBh. &c. [1120,1] ; confusion , Ma1nGrHariv. ; indulging in
, partaking of (comy.) R. Das3. BhP. ; sensual attachment Mn

Well, the form parair  certainly is instrumental plural, but if it
referred specifically  to female human

beans, we think it should be paraabhir...

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