Mousavi's international spokesman Mohsen Makhmalbaf writes for the UK Guardian:

I have been given the ­responsibility of telling the world what is happening in 
Iran. The office of Mir Hossein Mousavi, who the Iranian people truly want as 
their leader, has asked me to do so. 

They have asked me to tell how Mousavi's headquarters was wrecked by 
plainclothes police officers. To tell how the commanders of the revolutionary 
guard ordered him to stay silent. To urge people to take to the streets because 
Mousavi could not do so directly.

All those close to Mousavi have been arrested, and his contact with the outside 
world has been restricted. People rely on word of mouth, because their mobile 
phones and the internet have been closed down. 

That they continue to gather shows they want something more than an election. 
They want freedom, and if they are not granted it we will be faced with another 

Thirty years ago we supported each other. When police used tear gas, fires 
would be lit to neutralise its effects. People would set their own cars on fire 
to save others. 

Since then, the government has tried to separate people from one other. What we 
lost was our togetherness, and in the past month we have found that again. All 
the armed forces in Iran are only enough to repress one city, not the whole 
country. The people are like drops of water coming together in a sea.

Full article:  [www_guardian_co_uk] 

via:  [www_huffingtonpost_com] 

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