The Perfect Storm is Coming
by Dr. Paul J. Gobb

I am speaking as the representative of the greatest movement of millions
ever seen on American soil. I am here not to beg for your vote, your
favor or your forgiveness. I only want you to be just. Give your verdict
on the past 1-1/2 years, on its shame, its disgrace, its collapse, and
our growing national political humiliation. You must decide if the men
and parties that are responsible for these past years should have the
right to continue to hold power in the government.

Friends, this new system was born over a year ago. One never judges
systems or governments by what they want or what they promise, but
rather always by what they can do, and what they accomplish. The men and
women of that November took power by lying to the people, by telling
them they had won. They promised you, citizens, workers and creative
Americans, a country of freedom and beauty and dignity. They promised
you collective good, they promised a people's state, they promised the
broad masses the fulfillment of their dreams — peace, work and

We have lived this lie for the past year. For the year some have
worshiped this government; we have lived in want, suffered, sacrificed,
starved, sometimes wept. And now we see the worst results of this past
year: the American economy is in ruins, there are huge budget deficits,
the nation's fortune is squandered, people are robbed of their
inheritance, people are desperate and without hope, the streets of our
cities are filled with an army of millions of unemployed, the middle
class is vanishing, the last farmers driven from their land. To our
shame and disgrace large areas of our national influence have now been

More than that, the progressive battalions preach political conflict
that is tearing our nation apart, giving the American people no peace.
In such a situation, the leaders and parties of the old system are
making the hopeless attempt to maintain America with its old chains of
foreign commitments. We go from one conference to another. Each meant
more potential panic, more anguish, more longing, and more repulsion for
the suffering American people.

It is not hard to determine who is guilty, who bears the responsibility,
to the people, to history and to God for these conditions. It is those
men and women and their party who have misled the American people for
the past few years of campaigning, promising them lives of beauty and
dignity, of heaven on here earth, but who in the end gave us empty words
and stones instead of bread. They stand now before the court of the
nation to give an account of the unparalleled disaster they have brought
about in the last year. Over a year or so ago, the last members of this
old system fell. New men and women came on the political stage and
declared that they were replacing the old system and setting America on
a fundamentally new political course. You men and women know that we
viewed this attempt with suspicion from the beginning. We see the
resurrection of our people as coming not from a small clique that has no
strong connection to the people but only from a movement of millions
that has the active strength and the ability to change America.

What has the new government done in these past many months?

It did not bring the budget in balance. That was necessary, since the
coffers were empty as it took power. But balancing the budget will not
solve our problems. The real cause of our need is unemployment. Asking
the people to sacrifice makes sense only if that sacrifice is the first
step to recovery. What did this so-called government of national ideals
do? This government merely increased our unemployment, reduced the hopes
of our war heroes, and adopted increased taxes, the most unsocial of
measures. This government should not think that we will support its
harmful policies.

I ask you, men and women, how can the Democratic Party find the gall to
accuse us of intolerance, when that is exactly how they have behaved
during the last year under the President?

What has changed? Nothing at all, except that the ruling men and women
have different faces. The economy is running on empty, the government
has failed to begin a new durable job creation program. The misery of
the broad masses continues to increase, and the starving do not know how
they can survive from one day to the next. The middle class is
collapsing under heavy taxes and the few remaining farmers are leaving
their farms because they can no longer pay the interest, mortgages and
debts. All the government can say is this: "We cannot fix in one year
what went wrong in eight years!" Well, OK! But one should at least be
able to see that a start is being made. At least we should be able to
expect that the government would be making attempts to resolve the
political problems we face. But what do we see?

Killing rages through our metropolitan streets. Every evening 5, 6, or 7
of our citizens are seriously wounded, and every day we bury one or two
or three friends. The lying Progressive press is more active than ever,
and in the Northeast and West coasts of our nation we are more oppressed
than ever.

What is the President doing about it? He sits with his hands in his lap.

He says he wants to treat the right and the left impartially, but
thereby treats us all unjustly. You, my friends, stand here in your
worn-out clothes. The government has allowed you to be slandered, and
your clothes are paid for by the contributions of the poor. The
government has not fallen wholly into the arms of the Progressives. It
claims to be national, but we are convinced that were it not for us
patriots, this corrupt government will have used up the capital that
American has built up over the decades.

A new America has arisen! It is an American that has fought for years
against Progressive betrayal and middle-class weakness.

You, men, women and friends, are the bearers, witnesses, builders and
finishers of this unique people's uprising. Our policies have not been
popular with the mainstream. We have served the truth, and only the
truth. For years, they have insulted and outlawed and slandered and
persecuted us. Now that we are standing at the doorway to power,
Progressive lies have joined with middle-class weakness to fight us.
Were we only a party like all the rest, we would collapse under the
offensive of our opponents. But we are a people's movement. That is our
good fortune. Here and everywhere else in the land, the red, white and
blue shining banner flies over people of all camps, parties, classes,
occupations, and religious confessions. Our opponents laughed at us in
the past, but they will laugh no longer.

You men and women standing before me, tens of thousands in number, with
heads high, upright, proud and brave, the carriers of America's
future, in your eyes it is written:

We think no longer in terms of class or race. We are not white, black,
brown or middle class. We are not first of all Protestants or Catholics.
We do not ask about ancestry or class. Together we share the words of
the poet:

"People, rise up, and storm, break loose!"

Friends, men and women … fate has given us a last chance. We have
one more opportunity to speak to the people. Our campaign spreads to all
of America, and once again the ears hear, the eyes see, the heart beats
faster and the senses clear:

"The day of freedom and prosperity is coming!"

Thus it is that one of our dead friends wrote to us, and we are
fulfilling his prophesy. The others may lie, slander, and pour their
scorn on us — their political days are numbered.

Our leaders are knocking at the gates of power, and in their fists are
joined the fists of millions of citizens and ordinary people. The time
of shame and disgrace is nearly over. You are the witnesses, the
builders, the will-bearers of our idea and our worldview.

The party hacks are suddenly remembering the people. For a decade,
televisions pictured them only in plush suits at tables filled with
oysters and champagne bottles. Now they wear bubba caps and fill their
newspapers and blogs with urgings like "People, wake up!"

Well, we the people have awakened! We have risen against oppression;
hundreds of thousands of people have joined in an army of revenge. They
who accepted their nice suits from the hijackers can hardly imagine that
an honest American worker will spend his starvation wages for a decent
shirt. They who have grown fat on caviar, who are paid a million dollars
a year, who have spread the stink of unprecedented corruption over all
of America, they now want to pretend they are an opposition. "To the
barricades!", they cry.

Our answer: "The good old days of party bigwigs are over. A new America
is coming, an America raised on the Spartan laws of family duty. It is
an America not grown fat, but one that is starving! It is an America
with strength, with will, with ideals! It is an American that is done
with Progressive betrayal and middle-class white gloves."

You are the witnesses of this America. You, people, have affirmed this
America. And we, people, speak only in your name. We the leaders of this
exciting movement of the millions, we come from you, the people. We too,
friends, were once unknown men and women marching along with the gray
masses. People, we have shared in our hearts your torture, your misery,
your tribulations, your desperation. We are ourselves a piece of the
people. When the elitiset know-it-alls ask what we have accomplished,
you, men and women, must save us from the necessity of giving answer.
When they ask what we have done, you millions must answer: "They have
given us faith once more, they have given us hope. They have awakened a
sleeping America. They have organized and mobilized millions and set
them to march. These millions are in motion, following the laws of
history. Just as this small group grew from several unknowns to a
movement of millions,

so, too, I swear to you, will this movement of millions grow to
encompass a people of 300 million.

The parties must go! The political hacks must be thrown out of their
chairs. We will give no pardon. We will not allow America to sink into
disgrace. We will give back to America a reason for its existence, a
meaning to life. That is why you men and women are here, an army of tens
of thousands. Never has the nation's capital seen a popular movement
of such force. You have come here from everywhere. The middle class has
come from the Midwest, the workers from the Northeast and South. You
have come from dark and joyless houses. My friends are before me, heads
high, as if they were the warriors of America. I know, friends, that
there are some among you who do not know where tomorrow's meal will come
from. We have shown these materialist party hacks that ideals are still
alive in America. We have shown them that even in the midst of hunger,
sacrifice, and need, the people can be shown the way to betterment. We
pledge loyalty to this people. We solemnly raise our hands and pledge:

As long as we breathe, we are obligated to the American people. We came
from the people, and return ever to it. Our people are the center of all
things to us. We sacrifice for this people, and if necessary are ready
to die for it.

Loyalty to the people, loyalty to our ideas, loyalty to our movement,
and loyalty to our leaders! That is our pledge as we shout:  Our duty
and our people — Hail to victory!

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