I got the following in an email. Further sleuthing however indicated it
is not likely true that Sir Winston Churchill said this.

After his retirement Winston Chrichill was cruising the Mediterranean on
an Italian cruise liner and some italian journalists asked why an ex
British Prime Minister should chose an Italian ship.

'There are three things I like about being on an Italian cruise ship'
said Churchill.

'First their cuisine is unsurpassed.  Second their service is superb. 
And then, in time of emergency, there is none of this nonsense about
women and children first'.

However this quote seems to be spurious. Things like this, applied to
French ocean liners seems to have appeared in the early 20th century.
Eventually it morphed into Italian cruise ships, and a similar quote is
attributed to Noel Coward.

Looking through various books of quotations seems to show that most are
culled now from the Internet, as they are all practically the same.

There are various quotations by Maharishi in print. These are sometimes
revised when the TMO republishes something. Others of us have heard him
say things, which we remember, but cannot verify with a public source,
or have heard others say he said directly. These quotations are often
the most interesting because they have not been vetted by the
censorious, but at some point soon, they will have passed out of
historical recollection.

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