Hiroshima Remembrance Day 6 Aug 2012
Let's start with having good thoughts – especially about
Don't waste time being angry at greed-ridden corporate guys and
lying-through-the teeth politicians.
Look into people's eyes.
They are your eyes.
They are beautiful.
They are smiling.

Let's go!

I love you!

Yoko Ono
Hiroshima Day, 6 August 2012

http://tinyurl.com/9a3qcyk <http://tinyurl.com/9a3qcyk>
A grandson of ex-U.S. President Harry Truman, who ordered the atomic
bombings of Japan during World War II, is in Hiroshima to attend a
memorial service for the victims.

Read it on Global News: Global News | Grandson of ex-President Truman
visits Hiroshima to attend memorial service of A-bomb victims

  "Nuclear energy and humankind cannot co-exist."
"Reasonable-sounding arguments can be made to justify the original
development of an atomic bomb (ensuring victory against fascism), and
for the maintenance of a nuclear arsenal (lest the United States fall
prey to a hostile country or group with its own nuclear weapons).

The nuclear age, however, is a suicidal age. We've had several near
misses, the Cuban Missile Crisis being the most obvious. And we've
almost had accidental nuclear war when our radar systems (and Russia's)
have thought they were seeing incoming nuclear weapons and have prepared
to launch nuclear weapons in response. At some point, we won't be able
to avert the catastrophe.

Similarly, nuclear power plants may seem to provide part of the solution
to our energy crisis."
http://tinyurl.com/c5m4vng <http://tinyurl.com/c5m4vng>

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