Let It Burn <http://www.balloon-juice.com/2011/07/04/let-it-burn-3/>
by John Cole

Meanwhile, in  Minnesota:
With no sign of a budget deal in sight, Minnesota  awoke on Saturday to
Day 2 of a state government shutdown, and, if  anything, more confusion
— not moreclarity — about how one actually  carries out this
sort of thing.
Consider these nuanced rules: the state's Department of Revenue says
it still expects people to pay their taxes, but it will not be sending 
out refunds. Residents may renew their driver's licenses in certain 
locations, but no actual driver's exams will be offered. The
Minnesota  Zoo is closed to visitors, but a "Music in the Zoo"
concert series,  including a performance on Saturday evening by The
Monkees, of 1960s  fame, was to proceed (though no non-human animals
were to be on  display).

Any questions?

If so, you may not wish to call the state in search of clarity. Some 
closed Minnesota departments are, of course, not there to answer the 
phones. Or their email. Or to update their Websites; many departments, 
in fact, redirected Web visitors to BeReadyMn.com for a rundown of the 
state's contingency plans and a sense of which services, deemed 
critical, have gone right on.

And so, as Minnesota's politicians, whose clash over how to fix the 
state's deficit led to a shutdown that began Friday, took what some 
described as a cooling-off period with no further negotiations this 
weekend, Minnesotans were left to navigate what it really meant to close
a state — a scenario rarely undertaken in the nation and, it seemed
by  Saturday, one with few sure, simple rules.

I'm increasingly of the opinion that we need to give the wingnuts 
what they want.  Shut it all down.  No police.  No firemen.  No National
Guard.  Just let the god damned state burn.

I am so fed up with these  fanatics and lunatics, I just want them to
get a good solid dose of what  they really want.  I'm tired of
protecting them from themselves.  And  I'm tired of the underclass
of very poor wingnuts who make no money,  rely on the state and the
feds, but vote for these nutjobs because the  baby jeebus tells them to.
Maybe a couple months without the services  they need to survive will
knock some sense into them.


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