-----Original Message-----
From: David Orme-Johnson [mailto:davi...@earthlink.net] 
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 2:06 PM
To: David Orme-Johnson
Subject: Letters on TM from religious/spiritual leaders

Dear Colleagues,


I just posted recent letters on the Transcendental Medication program
from an Andean shaman, two Catholic priests and a sister, two rabbis,
and ministers of the United Methodist Church and the Unity Church. Here
is the link to the page, which is reproduced below.



All the best,



David W. Orme-Johnson,Ph.D.

davi...@earthlink.net <mailto:davi...@earthlink.net> 

www.TruthAboutTM.com <http://www.truthabouttm.com/> 

www.Orme-JohnsonPaintings.com/ <http://www.seagroveartist.com/> 

191 Dalton Dr.

Seagrove Beach, FL 32459


850-231-5012 Fax


Letters from Religious Leaders on the Transcendental Meditation Program 

A universal theme in these letters from religious leaders is that the
Transcendental Meditation program deepens their own spiritual life and
enhances their comprehension and love of their own tradition. They note
that it does not require any belief or change in life style to practice.
They point out that the technique has been scientifically validated
.cfm>  to reduce stress
dex.cfm#stress>  and improve mental clarity
/index.cfm> , health
dex.cfm> , and interpersonal relations
dex.cfm#social> , which are beneficial to any cultural tradition and
which serve to increase appreciation and tolerance of other people's
traditions and worldviews.


Andean Path 
Shaman Mallku Aribalo, November 4, 2008
Father Thomas R. Miller, June 17, 2008
Father Cletus Stein, October 2, 2008
Sister Carol Wirtz, August 25, 2008
Senior Rabbi Allan Green, June 27, 2008
Rabbi Michael Shevack, November 12, 2008
United Methodist Church
Reverend Jonathan Chadwick, November 4, 2008
Unity Church
Reverend Don Lansky, June 30, 2008

Andean Path 
Shaman Mallku Aribalo, November 4, 2008

As a Shamanic Andean spiritual leader, I can say that Transcendental
Meditation (TM) as a technique for inner development and growth has no
contradictions to what the ancient masters from the Andes were teaching
and practicing. Au contraire, we are finding that some of the spiritual
wisdom regarding both theory and practice of the Andean traditions was
lost. Now, through Transcendental Meditation, the Andean people can
receive the great benefits of understanding and experiencing that they
can have a life where their mind, heart, and daily actions can be in
balance and harmony with all of nature; they can grow in peace, energy,
creativity, love, and wisdom. I think it is also important to express
that there have been hundreds of scientific research studies performed
on the TM technique that have shown its effectiveness in enriching all,
aspects of life. From my own experience, I can recognize the soft and
clear ways in which the TM technique acts in the life of a person, and I
highly recommend the TM technique to be introduced and taught in our
communities with the main goal of having peace on Earth.

With gratitude to master Maharishi for illuminating this time with his

Mallku Aribalo
Author of the books: "The Awakening of the Puma," "Machu Picchu
Forever," "Cusco Forever," and "Inka Power Places." President of the:
Mondial Association of Andean Writers (AMEA)

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Father Thomas R. Miller, June 17, 2008

To whom it may concern:

In my experience of thirty-nine years regular practice of Transcendental
Meditation (TM), I have found it only strengthens and enhances the
practice of my Christian religious faith. In fact, it is clear to me
that growing more and more familiar with the simple state of inner
awareness cultivated by TM opened my ear to the "still small voice"
within, and paved the way for my vocation in Christian ministry
twenty-two years ago.

In my experience as a priest, many TM meditators who left formal
religious practice earlier in their lives, almost as a rule, returned to
it after learning to meditate. Most of these credit their practice of TM
for leading them back to their faith.

Scientific research has shown that the TM technique reduces stress,
improves health, mental clarity, social responsibility, and moral
maturity. These benefits are directly supportive to a life of spiritual
development, devotion and service to God.

The technique of TM does not provide an alternative faith. The practice
itself strengthens faith in God. So, my answer to those who wonder
whether TM is a religion is that there is nothing to fear and everything
to gain for Christians who wish to deepen and enrich their prayer life
and faith.


Father Thomas R. Miller
Rector St. Gabriel and All Angels Church Fairfield, Iowa

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Father Cletus Stein, October 2, 2008

Dear Catholic friends,

I am a retired Catholic priest who practices Transcendental Meditation
(TM) and did so while I served in the Catholic Church for about 30
years. Based on my own experience, I know that TM is a universal
technique that is in harmony with the goals of our religion. It requires
no change in personal lifestyle or beliefs and is an effective aid for
us to become stronger in our own faith. Transcendental Meditation has
enhanced my own religious practice and has been a great way for me to
relax and become more alert for my work and my life as a whole.

I served in parishes in Kansas for 20 years and in Texas for 11 years,
also doing some hospital and student chaplain ministry. I did my
Theology studies in Rome and was ordained there in 1966. It is my
experience that TM is an excellent way to prepare for prayer. I have
also found that TM teachers and practitioners have great respect for all
religions; therefore, I believe that TM allows us to practice ecumenism
and not just talk about it.

Meditation has been encouraged by the Church over the ages and by the
saints, including the writer of the Cloud of Unknowing, St. Teresa of
Avila, St. John of the Cross, and many others. TM is a proven technique
for joining them in meditation. Many scientific research studies over
the years have shown significant results with TM; it has been known to
improve physical health and to increase mental clarity and creativity.
It is my experience that the practice of TM and the benefits that it
brings only get better over the years. I believe that anyone can find
great value in practicing this meditation regularly.


Cletus Stein
Retired Catholic Priest

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Sister Carol Wirtz, August 25, 2008

To Whom It May Concern:

This is a letter of support for the practice of Transcendental
Meditation. I have been a Catholic Sister for twenty-two years and have
been practicing Transcendental Meditation for fourteen years. I have
found this technique to be very beneficial in different aspects of my
life. It has helped calm and focus my mind during times of stress as
well as in everyday life. I have also noticed physiological effects such
as less muscle tension, more relaxed breathing and just overall greater
awareness. In addition, there have been many scientific studies to
support the benefits of Transcendental Meditation.

Since Transcendental Meditation is not a religion nor is it taught as a
doctrine, it does not interfere or conflict with my Catholic Christian
faith. In my years of practicing this technique I believe it has
enhanced my prayer and Christian life.


Sister Carol Wirtz
Anthony, New Mexico

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Senior Rabbi Allan Green, June 27, 2008

To Whom It May Concern:

The first thing I want to say about my thirty-seven year practice of the
Transcendental Meditation program is that I never would have become a
rabbi without it. Transcendental Meditation saved my Jewish life.

How so? The short story is that in addition to its many other benefits,
verified by over 600 scientific studies, the Transcendental Meditation
(TM) technique gave me an experiential referent for the word, "God."
Based on my own developing experiences with TM, I grew in love and
appreciation for God, for His amazing universe, and for my own religious
traditions. At the same time, I would emphasize that TM is truly
universal, as anyone of any age, education, or background can practice
it successfully, without any need for change in personal beliefs or

With the regular practice of TM, people not only become more calm,
energetic, and creative than before, but they also change in ways they
couldn't possibly have anticipated-innocently growing in love,
compassion, ethical sensitivity, and devotion to God. All too often in
religious life, these ideals prevail far more in theory than in
practice. But the TM program gently, effectively transforms these ideals
into living realities.

Therefore, I would recommend the practice of Transcendental Meditation
to any student or teacher of Judaism (or indeed, of any religious
tradition) interested in living the highest ideals of their tradition in
everyday life. In the words of the rabbis, "May we then find grace and
enlightenment, in the eyes of both God and humankind."

Very sincerely yours,

Allan Green
Senior Rabbi, Shaarey Haarey Zedek Synagogue Winnipeg, MB Canada

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Rabbi Michael Shevack, November 12, 2008

To whom it may concern:

As a rabbi, I would like to comment on my experience of the technique of
Transcendental Meditation (TM) in relationship to the practice of my
religion of Judaism.

There is a common misconception amongst many different "western"
religions, mainly Judaism, Christianity and Islam that Transcendental
Meditation is a form of some kind of Hindu worship and is therefore
pagan. Based on my direct experience with the TM technique, I can
clearly say that this idea is a misunderstanding and is simply not true.

In fact, my experience as a TM practitioner, since the age of 17 (I am
now 55) has proven just the opposite. At first I was attracted to TM as
a way to reduce stress, and was very excited by the hundreds of studies
that demonstrated it having a positive effect on lowering stress, blood
pressure and improving generally well-being, both mental and physical.
However, as I practiced TM, I found that these benefits were actually
mere "by products" of the experience.

I found that I was opening, day after day, meditation after meditation,
to what I considered to be a deep spiritual experience. Such an
experience was not "other worldly", nor did it belong to "another
religion". Such an experience was deeply rooted in the practical day to
day experiences of life, and as such, became deeply integrated with the
practice of my day to day Judaism. I found that TM opened me up to
intuitive insights and understandings which helped "make sense" of my
Jewish practice; it made the observance of my own faith increasingly
alive and spiritually vibrant.

Many decades ago, I had come across a quote by Maharishi which said, "As
you spontaneously meditate you begin to understand the religion of your
birth." This has proven to be the truth. The more I meditated, the more
the customs, the traditions, the theology and the practice of my
religion deepened within me. TM did not remove me from Judaism; it
actually guided me back to Judaism, with improved understanding,
deepened spiritual experience, and greater love and commitment.

I have therefore recommended TM to many Jews within my congregation and
beyond my congregation, as well as to all seekers-of-Truth, including
many within Christianity and Islam. Based on my experience, I can say
that there is nothing to fear about TM. If you are Christian it will
make you more Christian. If you are Jewish, it will make you more
Jewish. If you are Muslim, it will make you more Muslim. Due to the
growing appreciation of one's own faith through TM, one does not seek
out other religions; one becomes fulfilled in one's own.

Lastly, as a leader in inter-religious dialogue, who has worked with
many of the world's noble religions, I believe that TM can provide a
doorway to a common spiritual understanding and experience that can help
bring about, and speed about, the development of mutual respect and
understanding of the world's religions, by deepening and enlivening the
universal spiritual foundation upon which they are all based.

In short, it is a fast, effective, universal approach to peace.

Rabbi Michael Shevack
The Bucks County Free Synagogue Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania

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United Methodist Church
Reverend Jonathan Chadwick, November 4, 2008

Dear friends,

I would like to take a brief moment to address the issue of the teaching
of the Transcendental Meditation Technique (TM) in the public schools.

Many years ago I learned TM while in high school and during that time I
had opportunity to attend several weekend TM residence courses led by
Dr. John Hagelin, who is currently the National Leader of the TM
Movement in the U.S. Also, I was fortunate to spend my sophomore year of
college in residence at Maharishi International University in Fairfield,
Iowa. After graduating from Boston University and seminary, I then
served for twelve years as full-time pastor in charge of various United
Methodist churches throughout Iowa.

The relationship between meditation and religion is an interesting and
complex question. During my years in parish ministry my exploration of
this question was detailed and included dialogue on this topic with
Bishop Rueben P. Job, who ordained me twice. Overall, I have come to the
conclusion that the practice of TM really does not conflict with any
religion; at least, whatever perceived "rubbing points" there might be
in the opinion of some, are greatly outweighed by the benefits of TM,
many of which have been documented by years of scientific research.

Please note that I do not make this claim lightly. For more than three
decades I have asked tough questions on these matters to TM officials,
and their responses were quite satisfactory. Also, in recent years, I
have made it a point to communicate in some depth with a number of
prominent critics of TM. As far as I am concerned, TM resoundingly
passes the test.

Perhaps the best watchword on these considerations is "diversity." My
own alma mater, Boston University School of Theology, has produced
graduates as diverse as Norman Vincent Peale and Martin Luther King, Jr.
So it is in their spirit of prophetic positivity that I would encourage
you to check out TM both for yourself and your public school. Personally
I can't imagine continuing to grow without it.

Yours sincerely,
Reverend Jonathan Chadwick
Pastor of various United Methodist churches throughout Iowa

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Unity Church 
Reverend Don Lansky, June 30, 2008

To Whom It May Concern:

When I first learned the Transcendental Meditation technique in 1970 I
was an avowed agnostic. Over my years of practicing the TM technique, I
found myself growing into a greater awareness of something much larger
than myself.

Particularly on the TM retreats I attended, this awareness continued to
blossom into a deep appreciation and gratitude for the Creator - and a
profound and abiding love of Jesus Christ. At no point have I ever found
a conflict with TM and my religious beliefs and practices. In fact, the
TM program has not only served to strengthen my faith in God, it has
also deepened my prayer life as well.

When I first learned TM in 1970, there was only one scientific study
conducted by the Harvard Medical School. Today, TM is the most widely
researched technique of meditation in the world with over 600 scientific
studies validating its benefits for improving health and overall well

On a more practical level, I cannot imagine doing ministry without my
daily, twice-a-day TM practice. The deep rest and silence of the TM
technique helps me to find balance, energy, and the spiritual connection
to cope with the rigorous demands and stresses of ministry. In short, I
am a better minister because of the TM program.

With my direct experience of the TM technique for over 38 years and the
growing body of scientific research, I can whole-heartedly recommend the
TM program. I especially would recommend the TM technique to my brothers
and sisters in the clergy, whatever their denomination or faith

Reverend Don Lansky
Co-Minister, Unity Church Charlottesville, North Carolina

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