Whether you believe Obama´s original use of
this phrase was supposed to reference Sarah
Palin directly or not, mine is. No matter how
you dress it up, it´s still a pig.

And it´s a pig that thinks it´s acceptable to
get other people to pay for its clothes and
its makeup.

Given Sarah Palin´s history of claiming travel
expenses for nights spent at home and for flying
her children around in Alaska, and given her
excesses in terms of getting the RNC to pay for
$150,000 in clothes and a makeup artist who 
charges $11,400 *per week*, is there any doubt
in your mind that she would continue doing the
same thing as Vice President?

So (assuming the same rate of spending, and the
same cavalier Republican notions of getting other
people to pay for their personal luxuries) YOU, 
as a taxpayer, would be picking up the tab for 
over a million dollars in clothes over the next 
four years, and $2,371,200 in makeup.

Doesn´t that just warm the cockles of your greedy,
fiscally conservative, me-first hearts?

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