Developing GC
Rishikesh,  1968

MAHARISHI:   ...In our meditation as our mind becomes finer and finer, mind 
becomes acquainted with the finer regions of the mantra, finer regions, before 
it actually transcends finest, that finest region. When our mind becomes sharp 
enough to experience that,  then the details of that finer realm  will come to 
our experience directly. 

And that will be the experience of that life which is there on the highest 
level of creation. And that life is called celestial life - life of celestial 
beings.  And the world of celestial beings is the world of Gods. There in that 
world the joy is maximum, the understanding  is maximum, the power and 
performance is maximum. 

This reality of the finest strata of creation presents the conception - it has 
become a conception, no more a reality now, because no one knows, no one 
realizes, so it remains as if it is a human conception. The mind of man 
conceives that there is something. When we call it conception of Gods, then the 
reality of Gods vanishes. What remains is only an ideological imaginary gesture.

But the story of Gods is not an imaginary gesture of man. It is the world of 
highest calibre, of maximum grace, of maximum power, of maximum intelligence. 
It is the reality of existence only when we become familiar with what is there 
at the subtlest level of thought. 

Subtlest level of thought corresponds with subtlest level of creation. So when 
the mind through many times meditating and coming out - when the mind becomes 
familiar with that region, then it becomes capable of direct perception of the 
details of that region. And that direct perception of celestial beings is so 
enormously fascinating that it transforms man's vision of earthly life to this 
celestial light of the world of Gods.

And then,  when the vision is modified, then the world of man is enjoyed in the 
light of celestial field. And that adds to the grace and glory of human 
existence, that the world of man is viewed and perceived and behaved in the 
celestial light. And that is the display of a God-realized man - display of GC 

The transformation of the vision of man by the direct perception of that 
celestial grandeur, beauty, grace par excellence - coming face to face with 
that light effulgent, which if it can be described, as brighter than the 
brilliancy of any conceivable light. The glamour of it, the beauty of it, the 
charm of it, the overwhelming influence of that experience fills the man with 
that influence of celestial field, that the whole vision gets overwhelmed.

And when it gets overwhelmed by that positive experience of par excellence in 
grace and grandeur, beauty and charm and its just glamour, then the vision 
changes as if a man who was so far using the green glasses and viewing 
everything green around him, the glasses are changed and now they are golden 
glasses. And then the vision through the golden glasses is all golden instead 
of green. There is a difference in the green and golden glasses.

This direct perception of the details of the finest region of relative creation 
is responsible for transforming man's vision into the vision of GC….

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