from Charleston, South Carolina - Latest Business News 5/21/07

Market gurus

The stock market's continued strength in the face of multiple
negatives — such as rising interest rates, rising gas prices, a
slumping housing market — may be baffling to some investors. So we're
happy to share the reason for the market's astonishing resilience,
which we learned from an e-mail we received last week:

"What's behind this bull market that has defied the odds and left
analysts perplexed? The answer: the dramatic and sustained rise of
coherence in national consciousness created by a large group of
advanced meditation experts who have assembled in Maharishi Vedic
City, Iowa, for the Invincible America Assembly, according to Dr. John
Hagelin, world-renowned quantum physicist and executive director of
the Center for Invincible Defense."

According to Hagelin, the assembly was launched "on July 23, 2006, by
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to create coherent national consciousness, the
basis of a peaceful, prosperous, invincible country."

For those who weren't around in the 1960s, Maharishi Mahesh is the
inventor of Transcendental Meditation and probably is best-known as
the guru to The Beatles and other pop stars of the time.

Whatever advantage the United States has as a result of its Invincible
Assembly may be short-lived: Hagelin says that "similar Invincible
Assemblies are being established in many nations to form a 'ring of
invincibility' around the world, to prevent problems and to promote
permanent peace and invincibility in every nation."


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