Mayor Wynne comments on Iowa floods
Global Good News June 19, 2008

When asked about the recent flooding and extreme weather conditions 
in Iowa and other states in the USA, Raja Wynne explained that the 
campuses of Maharishi University of Management and the Invincibility 
Assembly had not been affected by the flooding as the community 
is not near a major river. He commented that because the houses 
for the Vedic Pandits are built in factories (in a different state), 
no time had been lost on the construction project; five houses 
per week over six weeks are still planned.

"Coherence brings balance in nature. The events in Iowa and elsewhere 
are a real disaster, but such events don't happen in one day. 
They build up over time. We have only had these high numbers 
(participating in group practice of Yogic Flying) here for
approximately two weeks," Raja Wynne explained. 

"It takes awhile to soften the environment ... we anticipate that 
as America becomes truly invincible, then every aspect of life 
will become more and more enjoyable and balanced, and these 
disasters will become fewer and eventually disappear completely." 


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