So, how much would it cost the states to implement 
an expansion of Medicare so that every eligible 
citizen is covered? It has been estimated that it 
would cost as much as $600 billion over the next 

The hit on some states could be staggering, to the 
point that it would actually slow down the U.S. 
economic recovery.

California couldn't afford it, that's fer sure!

Apparently the Senate plans that are being discussed 
would force some states to "expand Medicaid 
eligibility to 150 percent of the poverty level". 
And the increased costs shifting to states after 
five years? 

This plan is going to be causing some already 
over-stretched state governors to panic! 

"Laffer's report also addresses a critical angle 
that has been largely missing from the debate so 
far: what effect these proposals would have on the 
various states. As his research found, a larger 
government role in health care would impose a huge 
budget burden on Texas..."

Read more:

'Federal health care reform would cost Texas dearly'
By Arlene Wohlgemuth
San Antonio Express-News, September 11, 2009

"Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, 
which is experiencing grievous budget problems, 
said the bill must not foist new costs on states..."

'Public insurer support fading'
By Lisa Wangsness
Boston Globe, September 14, 2009

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