Bulletin from the Unified Field to Buck in the Dome.

Dear Buck,

As I, the Unified Field exist everywhere at all times, my "effect" is no 
greater in the Golden Domes than in anyplace else in the mutli-verse. Please 
stop invoking my name to intensify your fantasy that you affect anything in the 
Universe with your mantra mumbling. 

Were you to sit and watch the sun rise, it would have the same effect as 
asanas, pranayam and mantra practice. I exist everywhere all at once and I need 
no help from you to create any effect I desire. But since I am all desires and 
the lack of all desires, I have no need to affect anything.

If you want to believe you are saving the world, be my guest, but don't think I 
am going to change human nature because you write hymns to me, or because you 
use a common mantra available anywhere in India. If you want to change human 
nature, pray to God, who is a part of me anyway, but the Deity has a different 
agenda. He thinks he can affect things too. Bit like you.

In conclusion, mantra practice in groups will never create change of the kind 
you  think it will, and I will thank you to keep my name out of your fantasies 
from now on. 


The Unified Field

P.S. - There are only about 35 "yogic flyers" in Latin America, the rest in the 
photos are "extras," non-meditators who got about 5 pesos each to pose for the 
photos, so don't expect any great shakes down there either. 



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