Went surfing this morning with my buddy, Ric. He got to my house around 5:30 
and we got to Houda Point which overlooks Camel Rock right before 6. The full 
moon was low in the western sky and I took a few photos with my phone before we 
locked the truck and headed down for a wonderful hour-and-a-half session before 
work. I created a 3-image album in photos entitled Moonset at Camel Rock. The 
photos are poor quality, unfortunately, but being out there, it was really 
magical. For the first 45 minutes or so there were only Ric, me, and another 
old monkey in the water and tyhe three of us had all the waves to ourselves.

Coldest water of the year though, and everytime I got dumped or had to paddle 
through a breaking wave on the way back out, it seriously took my breath away. 

Should be good again this afternoon evening (and maybe a couple degrees warmer 
-- this morning the water and air were both 47) and if the waves are good, they 
(meaning, 'we') will come. Set for tomorrow morning and tomorrow afternoon, 
too, which is great because the more you go out the stronger you become (and 
the more waves you get).


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