This is an interesting blog post IMO:


How much of our existential anguish can be laid at the feet
of Monsieur R. Descartes?

"From the concrete material objects of everyday life, Descartes
and the moderns who have followed him derived two abstractions
(as I discussed in an earlier post).  First, they abstracted out
those features that could be captured in exclusively quantitative
terms, reified this abstraction, and called that reified abstraction
"matter," or "the physical," or that which is "objective."  Second,
they abstracted those qualitative features that would not fit the
first, quantitative picture, reified that abstraction, and called
it "the mental," or that which is "subjective."  Once this move
was made, there was never in principle going to be a way to get
mind and matter together again, since they were in effect defined
by contrast with one another."

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