In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Carsten Dieter Rietz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Namaste Swami-G and Group
Namaste and Maha Shanti OM 
> I was with the Oneness Movement for three years and went for courses on the
> Oneness University in Chennai three times. The last time was in January this
> year.

0- ok - and what have you paid for these courses if this may be asked ? 

> I have never heard of Leyham, but I know the "Freddy N" who is quoted. He
> was the first westerner who became a devotee of Bhagavan and he was the one
> who brought deeksha to Europe. He travelled around Europe, held satsangs
> where he told that people would get enlightened after a few deekshas. Later
> he said that people would get enlightened if they went for the 21 day
> process in India. He build up the European network, but developed some kind
> of megalomania and was kicked out of the movement after several westerns had
> complained to Oneness University that he was being arrogant and hurting
> people. After this he has spread a lot of nasty rumours about deeksha,
> Bhagavan and the movement. He has even made a homepage with this purpose. I
> wouldn't trust him. He claims to be enlightened, but are so full of hatred
> and bitterness towards the movement he helped to build up himself. I
> wouldn't trust anything he said. I think he is full of s…

0- so in this it appears that Realization was never recieved by him at all. 
Since he was with Kalki longer than anyone this is suspicious and of course 
it could be understood the egoic nonsence that would arise and also perhaps 
a feeling of betrayal due to having been promised something that never came. 

> And so is the person saying that people are brainwashed and get psychotic.
> There are so many paranoid people in the spiritual and new age communities
> who have all these conspiracy theories about this and that. I have even read
> (I think it was on Freddy N's homepage) someone who said that Bhagavan had
> come from outer space to brainwash people!

0- this is why one has one to one contact with the seekers and doesn't give 
Diksha to those who are unbalanced. Just because one comes with money 
in hand - Does not mean that they are ready for a specific path. To make things 
based on monies versus heart - mind - and balance is a dangerous precident. 

> My truth about the Oneness University and the movement is that it helped me
> a lot, but that it was time for me to move on in May this year.

0- am glad it has aided your path and you are not a casualty. Yes have heard 
that some have come away and felt that they have gotten benefit from there. 

> I know 30 other deeksha givers here in Copenhagen and have meet so many
> other deeksha givers from all over the world and except for two who feel
> cheated, I think we all agree that the movement has really helped us and
> that we all feel much better, more happy than before. Even the people who
> are in great debt because they had to go to the expensive courses don't
> regret it.

0- this is a personal assesment as to whether it was of value or not. am 
glad that most are feeling it was beneficial. have spoken only with a few 
that have been - a couple of them were very convinced of their attainments 
but watched them fall away into modes that were anything but near to what 
they were proclaiming was in place. will just say it that way. have met another 
that seems to have gotten something from there but is still on the path 
working on going forward. would like to find out more about these ones 
that are reported to be in some space that they need to be continually taken 
care of - as there is something that is odd in this. 

> Because of deeksha I have gone trough a major inner cleansing which really
> helps me to day. I'm a much happier, tranquil person today. Before receiving
> deekshas and getting involved in the movement I was a pretty angry and
> restless person, who often went into depressive thoughts. Most of my anger
> and restlessness has gone and even though I sometimes go into negative
> thinking, it's MUCH less frequent than before and I have much more joy and
> love in my life. I can thank deeksha and the movement for that.

0- so this is a very good report. am glad to get something this positive 
back about the movement. 

> I left the movement because I want more than just ordinary contentment and
> because I didn't feel it was honest of me to give deeksha to people, when I
> didn't believe totally in the message.

0- ordinary contentment is far from Realization. Am glad you are not giving 
deeksha (energy shaktipat) to any due to realizing that you aren't believing 
in the message. Also one may only give energy to the degree as to their clarity
within themselves. 

> My problem with the movement is that we were promised enlightenment, but
> only got a more tranquil and happy ego! For some people this is enough, they
> don't want transcendence. But I want more than that!

0- am glad you see that there is more to go - a Guru may only take you 
as far as they are. Of course there are other factors in place - a seekers 
openness and trust to be able to Surrender within the practices etc. 
One may only receive to the degree that they have been emptied of 
ego's filling and controlling the space - and mind within it's constructs. 
Also one only receives to the degree that they value what is given - 
when one devalues and there is not a flow in place then there is also 
a constriction in place to recieve. 

> The movement is not flawless! But I'm happy for what I got. Deeksha was an
> important part of my journey.

0- very good then - now it's time to move forward. 

> Love
> Carsten

Love & Light 

Messages in this topic

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Carsten Rietz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Namaste everybody


0- i also did the same search - but what is concerting are the 
accusations that it had been purposely laced with drugs. When 
these types of things are heard of course i want to follow it up. 

have had some dealings with the oneness people who were 
inviting me to come and then when this was accepted there 
were so many excuses made as to how they couldn't give 
accomadations etc. and there were no accomadations asked for 
simply to have a face to face meeting with Kalki -Guru to Guru. 

this was summarily rejected with the excuses of we can't welcome you 
properly. There is no need for any welcoming - no fanfare - none 
of that nonsence. Of course haven't heard from them since. 

So again on many levels would like to find out once and for all what 
is taking place - is something being given but not what is being touted ? 
is it a pure teaching but others are simply not getting it? Is it that people 
are being conned out of huge amounts of money or has value been given 
for what is recieved ? 
Exactly what is taking place ? 
Where is the Consciousness of Kalki resting ? 
He is not some Avatar higher than any other Light as this is ONE. 

If any Guru ever wishes to meet with me - the doors will be immediately 
opened as these types of games mainly occur when there are some 
other dealings happening behind the scenes. When a Guru truly cares 
about humanity then there would be an opening to meet with other Guru's 
for the benefit of humanity. When there is this closing off - what is being 
hidden and guarded ? This is the concern from here. 

have heard reports of people in india having to take out huge loans 
and being in debt for life - and of them having to recruit a specific number 
of people before being allowed to move forward to an advanced course. Now if 
this is true it is heinous - if it isn't then Great - am hoping to find out 
is only a made up ugly rumour. just as you say the other is an ugly rumour. 

Truly want to see more ethical and valid Guru's in the world as the more 
that are brought to Realization the better off the planet will be. But Guru's 
that are promising more than they are delivering impacts what is given 
here - Why ? because those who have felt cheated elsewhere come dragging 
their baggage and there are so many issues to have to confront and be 
moved through. They have given all their funds to perhaps a not so reliable 
guide and then come here and seek all for nothing. This of course hinders 
getting an ashram in place here. 

Would really like to see a time when Guru's would come together - in an 
attitude of sharing to see what is the best way to move humanity forward. 
So far have seen more in the way of guru (?) pissing contests etc. and this 
has no place within the dynamic of Serving Humanity. 

Have encountered Guru's that have organizations and the organizations 
contain people who are perhaps jealously guarding access to their Guru. 
Now whether this is coming from them or whether this has to do with the 
Guru's instructions this is not clear as yet. Here those around Know that 
when an organization finally comes together that if ANY Guru makes an 
effort to contact this one - that i am to be notified Immediately and that 
an offer is to be made for them to come, and the door is always open for 
a One to One meeting. This idea of organizations playing games with 
keeping other Guru's and Swami's away simply doesn't show an atttitude 
of aiding Humanity but rather *protecting* what they think they have. 
What is seen here is there should be Openness - rather than guarded 
speculation based on some fear - as what place does fear and guarded 
demeanor have within Awakening the Planet ? 

Maha Shanti OM 

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