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From: David Orme-Johnson <davi...@earthlink.net>
Date: Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 2:53 PM
Subject: My experience on the Invincible America Assembly

Dear Family and Friends,
I feel so lucky to have had some role to play in pioneering scientific research 
on the technologies of enlightenment that Maharishi has brought into the modern 
world, but even luckier to have had the opportunity to do subjective research 
on enlightenment. Although I have written a lot about the scientific research, 
I haven’t written much at all about my subjective experiences. So here is 
something on it.
Rhoda and I have spent the last four summers in Fairfield attending the 
Invincible America Assembly, which has been a continuous group of 1,000 to 
2,000  meditators and Vedic Pundits doing long TM and TM-Sidhi programs every 
day since 2006, with the purpose of culturing enlightenment for us individually 
and invincibility for America. Invincibility means a shield of coherence in 
collective consciousness for America.


The Maharishi Patanjali Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge.
I sit over to the right front. We sit on foam and stacks of foam for Yogic 
An inspiring part of the daily program is reading of experiences by course 
participants, which Maharishi would comment on, and which is now expertly done 
by Dr. Bevan Morris and Dr. Doug Birx, bringing out fine details of the 
mechanics of how enlightenment evolves, elucidating the criteria and milestones 
in that evolutionary process, and putting the experiences into the context of 
the Vedic literature, verifying how our personal experiences correspond to 
descriptions in the classical texts of enlightenment.
Here is my experience, read out today.
Experiences of the Invincible America Assembly, August 29, 2014
David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D.
Vessel of Bliss. My main experience during program these days is of my body 
being a hollow vessel filled with the self-effulgent light and bliss. When I 
look for a boundary to it, I don’t find any distinct edge. It seems to extend 
indefinitely, although it seems to be located mostly within about arm’s length 
around my body, a kind of fuzzy cloud of bliss that is accompanied by soft 
pulsating tones in my ears. When I try to follow my bliss-field away from my 
body I have the sense that I am enlivening it. I think it is always faintly 
there at any distance, and that it becomes much more present wherever I put 
attention on it. I think that to find oneself far in the distance one has to 
put one’s attention at a distance, but then it is no longer at a distance, it 
is Here.
Yogic flying is what pumps up the bliss. When I sit on the stacks to fly and 
begin to settle, almost immediately a flash of bliss as if propels me into the 
air, my body shaking and twisting as my spine reorganizes itself into a more 
perfect configuration. What I experience is not the stress going out but the 
bliss coming in. Each twist and turn creates a delightful feeling of 
transparency and health throughout my spine and body, akin to how one feels 
during a good stretch, only much more intense.
During flying I become aware of two things coexisting, the activity of the 
bubbling bliss from the hopping and a contrasting non-active underlying silent 
continuum of non-changing consciousness. As the hopping continues, I become 
aware that the non-active continuum becomes more salient-- how to say 
it--louder, of greater amplitude, a veritable inner roar of the hum of the 
universe. “Silent” doesn’t do it justice. It is a heatless, self-effulgent 
rolling boil. Sometimes I find that I have not moved for some time, absorbed in 
it, hardly breathing, with each faint breath creating an ebb and flow of the 
most profound  soul-grounding sense of well-being. All the synonyms of “bliss” 
apply: ecstasy, heaven, paradise, enjoyment, happiness, delight, pleasure, 
harmony, but none of these do it justice. It is simpler, more profound, a 
superbly grounded feeling, Mother is at home. Sometimes there are not two 
things but only the single continuum of the bliss with me hopping within it. Is 
it active? Is it silence?--I just AM. I am so happy to be here, so happy that 
this is me, my Self, and so so grateful to Maharishi and Guru Dev.
Intellectually, I know that my body is a bag filled with organs, tissues, blood 
vessels, etc. and I asked myself how does this objective reality correspond to 
the subjective experience that the body is a hollow vessel filled with the 
continuum of consciousness? The answer that occurred to me is that 
consciousness is primary, and that it projects all the tissues and organs of 
the body as an individual by which universal consciousness can be experienced 
itself as a localized person. I think that is one of the main points of Dr. 
Nader’s book Human Physiology - Expression of Veda and the Vedic Literature.
Surrender to Innocence. I have a lot of plans, projects, and activities, and if 
there could be 10 of me, or even 100, I could keep them all busy following up 
on all my desires and ideas. However, I have become increasingly aware that I 
do not have to decide what to do next, or worry how things will turn out. I see 
that my mind is like a swell of a big wave in the ocean that is made of all my 
desires and karma, and that as it settles back onto the unbounded ocean, all my 
concerns are automatically being worked out by the all-encompassing power of 
natural law. I just have to surrender to innocence, let go of trying to figure 
things out, and just do the program innocently.  Big changes are happening in 
my life, big problems being solved, big goals being worked out and 
accomplished. Just surrender to innocence during program and them come out and 
see what there is to do.
Walking at the speed of enlightenment.  One day after program I was walking 
home fast trying to get there as quickly as possible, when I recalled that 
Maharishi always walked at a royal pace. Then I remembered that he once 
admonished us “Now that the Age of Enlightenment has dawned we should walk at 
the pace of an elephant, not run about like rabbits.”  He explained it was 
necessary to run like rabbits in the early days, but now in the Age of 
Enlightenment we should slow down and walk at a royal pace. As I slowed down, a 
celestial glory surrounding me zoomed forth, stopping me in my tracks.  I saw 
the trees against the sky as a tapestry of an endless variety of shapes and 
colors, the air filled with bird songs, the sweet smells of an Iowa summer, the 
wind touching my face. It was like stepping into a favorite IMAX movie. I 
whipped out my iPhone to try to catch the moment and made a video of a picket 
fence fading into galaxies of Queen Ann’s lace and seed pods floating through 
the universe. I wanted to cuddle and snuggle a cute furry bunny who was chewing 
down stems of dandelions, sucking them in like pieces of spaghetti, letting me 
get quite close but keeping a watchful eyes on me. Every sight, sound, taste, 
touch, and smell resonates with my inner bliss. The other day when I was 
sitting at my computer and Rhoda walked in to tell me something. When I turned 
to look at her I was struck to see that she was a celestial being, made out of 
a very soft effusion of self-effulgent light, beautiful, glowing. I said 
excitedly “I see you as a celestial being, you’re glowing!” She looked at me a 
little quizzically, said her thing, smiled and left.
I am feeling good and I have spring in my step. My biological age, tested on 
cognitive flexibility, came out to be 45,  whereas my chronological age is 73.  
I am so proud of myself that we are doing the IAA. Old friends comment on how 
good I look and ask me what I am doing. “I’m on the Invincible America 
Assembly” I say.  “Oh, I should do that” they say. “Yes you should” I say, “yes 
you should.”
For those interested, a book of experience is available at this website.
Invincible America Assembly Experiences of Higher States of Consciousness
All the best,

David W. Orme-Johnson, PhD
>From October to April
191 Dalton Dr., Santa Rosa Beach, Florida 32459
>From May to September
1100 University Manor Dr., # 15B, Fairfield, Iowa, 52556
(850) 231-2866 (Home)
(850) 830-5847 (Mobile)
Skype: davidoj108

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