Thrown out only to fan the flames of feminazi
spontaneous combustion. Although the Enquirer
has actual photos to back up their claim, my
only reaction to this article is the same as
my first reaction to seeing a photo of Monica
Lewinsky: "My God, do philandering men have 
no *taste* any more?"

National Enquirer: Cindy McCain Having Affair

The National Enquirer has published a new political "world exclusive":

The ENQUIRER's exclusive bombshell expose as Sen. John McCain's wife,
Cindy, is caught with another man!

Not only that but multiple witnesses have caught the pair lip locking
on several other occasions.

"I couldn't believe I was watching Cindy McCain passionately kissing
and hugging another man!"

That's the stunned reaction of an eyewitness who says he watched in
shock - and snapped photos - as the former presidential candidate's
wife romantically kissed a long-haired man who resembles "a washed-up
'80s rock musician."

Sources told The ENQUIRER investigative team the pair have been seen
at concerts and sporting events acting very lovey-dovey

The wealthy blonde heiress and her secret pal have been spotted
together around her hometown of Phoenix, Arizona over the past several
years, say sources.

The amazing spy photos were snapped when Cindy and her companion
attended the Tempe Music Festival says the person who took them. The
photos are somewhat grainy, but the insider says they depict Senator
John McCain's wife, who was greeted by pals at the event as "Cindy."

A reader notes that this story is particularly dubious because Cindy
McCain was on a trip to Kosovo at the time of the festival where the
photos were supposedly taken.

One grainy photo accompanies the online article -- more are promised
in the print edition. The National Enquirer was recently vindicated in
its coverage of a different campaign scandal when John Edwards
confessed to having an affair. During the election they pushed the
story that Sarah Palin was having an affair with her husband's
business partner. Those allegations have yet to be backed up by other
sources, and neither have the tabloid's claims that Edwards had a love
child with his mistress.

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