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Mysterious 3D Wheat Grid and Aerial Light in Wiltshire, U. K.

© 2010 by Linda Moulton Howe

"When I walked into the Whitefield Hill formation the morning
of August 4, 2010, everywhere I could see most of the seed heads
in the flattened crop were straight relative to the heavily curled seed
heads in the standing crop. … That seemed to be physically

- Charles Mallett, Silent Circle Information Center, Yatesbury,
Wiltshire, U.K.

Created on a slanted hillside, the large, 250-foot-diameter
Whitefield Hill "3-dimensional" wheat formation near Woodsend
about six miles
north of Marlboro, Wiltshire, England, was reported August 3, 2010.
Aerial image © 2010 by Olivier Morel. See more images
and information:   Cropcircleconnector.com.

Whitefield Hill is near Woodsend, Wiltshire, (red circle map center)
about six miles north
of Marlborough. Southeast of Woodsend are the ancient stone circles of
and Silbury Hill, the largest, artificially constructed hill in Europe
(red circle in lower left).
To the southeast of Woodsend is Hungerford and the nearby M4 motorway
the two "grid and dots" crop patterns were discovered north and
of the M4 on July 30, 2010. See: 080410 Earthfiles. 

Above and below: Fifteen rows of standing wheat of varying widths
made up the "3-D sphere" inside the square grid turned on an
angle to another square.
Ground pole shot © 2010 by Photopole. Aerial © 2010 by Frank

August 22, 2010  Yatesbury, Wiltshire, England -

Mysterious crop circles associated with balls of light moving in the air
across fields have been reported in England since at least World War I.
The modern age of crop formations emerged in the late 1970s around
Warminster, England, and evolved through the 1980s from single circles
to simple patterns of a few circles to the astonishing geometries,
fractals and other complex patterns in the 1990s and through the first
decade of the 21st Century.

In England, most of the modern crop circle patterns emerged repeatedly
each summer in Wiltshire County's Vale of Pewsey. At the heart of the
Vale is a group of hills named Milk Hill, Adam's Grave, Knap Hill,
Golden Ball Hill and Woodborough Hill.

Milk Hill, Adam's Grave, Knap Hill, Golden Ball Hill, East Field,
Tawsmead Copse
and Woodborough Hill near Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England, in the Vale
of Pewsey
are at the heart of the crop formation phenomenon since at least the
early 1990s.
Whitefield Hill is northeast a few miles.

In the 2010 crop season between April and August, the
Cropcircleconnector.com archive reports 57 patterns of which 35 were in
Wiltshire county. But the rest expanded to 13 other English counties: 
Somerset, Berkshire, Nottinghamshire, Warwickshire, West Yorkshire,
North Yorkshire, South Yorkshire, Hampshire, Gloucestershire,
Buckinghamshire, Essex, Dorset and Lincolnshire.

Of the entire 2010 season, one of the most anomalous crop formations was
reported on August 3, 2010, in a wheat field growing on the slant of
Whitefield Hill near Woodsend about six miles north of Marlborough.
Recently I talked about the puzzling Whitefield Hill crop formation with
Charles Mallett, Director of the Silent Circle Information Center in
Yatesbury, Wiltshire, who has walked in dozens of oilseed rape, barley,
and wheat formations over the past fifteen years to measure, photograph,
and sometimes gather plant and soil samples for biophysical and
biochemical analysis.


Charles Mallett, Director, Silent Circle Information Center, Yatesbury,
Wiltshire, England:
"The formation at Whitefield Hill, Wiltshire – I heard about
that at the end of day one (August 3, 2010). I saw an aerial image of it
and thought, `Wow! That's a really impressive shape in a field
of wheat!' And I started looking at the central feature with the
gentle curves of thin lines and thought, `That looks
impossible!' So, I wanted to go to that formation.

Down the tramline running toward horizon through the furthest right side
in this aerial of the Whitefield Hill formation is a small flattened
ring of wheat around a
standing center. Aerial image © 2010 by Lucy Pringle. 

I got there the next morning and there had already been quite a few
visitors that second day after it was reported – at least a hundred
people or so. Whitefield was a very large formation and people walked in
very predictable places, so it's easy in crop formations to find
areas that have not been damaged. The formation is on the side of a hill
and not in the easiest physical area of the field. It would have been
easier to put the formation on the top flat part of the hill. However,
it is where it is.

Immediately when I walked into the formation, I was struck by one thing
that I have been looking out for that I have occasionally seen in
formations that I would consider genuinely made by a mysterious force.
That is the seed heads on mature wheat out in the standing crop of the
field, the seed heads curl over because the seed heads are very heavy
relative to the very thin top of the stalk, which the seed head rests
on. This happens because the plants are dying after their summer growth
and the seed heads curl over and go into a rigid position.

When I walked into the Whitefield Hill formation the morning of August
4, 2010, everywhere I could see, most of the seed heads in the flattened
crop were straight relative to the heavily curled seed heads in the
standing crop. When I tried to manipulate those straight seed heads in
the flattened crop with my fingers – I tried to bend them to the
same curled position as the standing crop – the straight seed heads
would just snap off because they were dry and completely rigid in that
position as opposed to the standing crop where the seed heads are curled
and completely rigid.

That seemed to be something that was physically impossible to achieve
from a mechanical point of view. But there it was over that entire
250-foot-diameter formation in the flattened crop area.

Charles Mallett's foot rests on the flattened wheat with abnormally
straight seed heads
in the Whitefield Hill wheat formation that he first visited on the
morning of
August 4, 2010. The flattened straight wheat contrasts to the standing
plants on the right that
have normal, dry, rigid, curled seed heads of August. Image © 2010 by
Charles Mallett.

Close-up on abnormally straight seed heads in the flattened Whitefield
wheat formation visited by Charles Mallett on August 4, 2010, the
morning after
the formation was first reported. Image © 2010 by Charles Mallett.

I've had some of those seed heads from the standing crop laid out in
my garden for the last week and they are exactly the same as when I took
them from the field and put them there with curled seed heads. None have
straightened out lying on the ground. So, now the standing crop seed
heads are still curled and the ones from the formation are still
straight. So nothing happens to the seed heads when they are down –
they just stay as they were when they went down.

Charles Mallett gathered samples of the normal curled wheat seed heads
from the standing crop in the Whitefield Hill formation and samples of
the straight
seed heads from the flattened wheat. After a week at his home, the
straight seed
heads on the right were still straight in comparison to the normal
curled wheat
heads on the left. Image © 2010 by Charles Mallett.

And I went back to the formation on August 8, 2010, to check the
straight heads in the ground lay and they were still just as straight.
You can see that in my dated photo (below).

Four days after Charles Mallett first visited the Whitefield Hill wheat
and was amazed at all the straight wheat seed heads on the ground, he
returned on
August 8, 2010, to see if the flattened seed heads had curled, but they
had not. Image © 2010 by Charles Mallett.


I've spoken to two farmers about the condition of the seed heads. In
both cases, the farmers told me, `I don't know how that could
happen.' I was also talking with an Australian farmer here visiting
crop circles a couple of days ago. He farms 20,000 acres of wheat and
has farmed for 30 years. I showed him the wheat samples of straight and
curled I had taken from the formation. I said, `Here are the plants
from the standing crop and here are the plants from the flattened crop.
Can you explain this to me?' He didn't know either.

I don't think the straight seed heads in flattened crop has occurred
much before now, but I have seen it several times in 2010. It's
almost as if the circle making force is showing a kind of test of
genuine formations because the time period for really curled and dry
wheat seed heads lasts only about two to three weeks each year – a
short time.

This constitutes in my mind a physical proof that something happened at
Whitefield Hill that was not mechanical man-made.


Right, and in 2010 for the first time in nearly 20 years, we've had
a lot of simple circles across the landscape. I've looked at several
of these this year and they really are kind of retro-circles that hark
back to the mid-1980s. They are deeply fascinating.

The simplicity of these simple circles have physical attributes that
people could not physically produce because they are far from tramlines,
but there is no evidence of tracks through the wheat to get to the
circles. Also of great interest to me is the fact that many of the 2010
simple circles have appeared close or next to some of the large, pretty,
hoaxed patterns. It is almost like you said – a kind of reminder
that, `Look, we are actually here even if there is a stink hanging
around (hoaxers).' Some of these simple circles are only ten or
fifteen feet in diameter are far more impressive than the huge, pretty,
manmade patterns. Their simplicity is much more of a statement than
another large, contrived, crop vandalism.

I did not find any blown growth nodes that biophysicist W. C. Levengood
discovered in the early 1990s and reported about, like those he found in
the wheat in the 409 circles on Milk Hill in August 2001.

409 circles on a slanted hillside spanned 787-foot-diameter
in wheat formation discovered Sunday, August 12, 2001, after a night
of rain. This wheat field is on the highest plateau of Milk Hill and the
point in the county of Wiltshire, England. The field is not visible from
road and to get there, people must walk about fifteen minutes from the
nearest place to park a car. Aerial photograph © 2001 by Lucy
Pringle.  <http://www.lucypringle.co.uk/>

Tiny expulsion cavities in crop formation wheat nodes collected
from August 12, 2001, Milk Hill, Wiltshire, England 409-circle
Hypothesis is that microwave energy in a spinning plasma vortex
with plants during the mysterious process of creating crop circles. The
energy heats up the water in the plant's growth nodes and the steam
outward leaving the expulsion cavities. Magnification 40X.
Photographs © 2001 by biophysicist W. C. Levengood.
See my 1999 to 2002 book, Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles,
in the Earthfiles Shop </shop.php>   and  102701Earthfiles Archived
Scientific Report.
<http://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=297&category=Real X-Files>

This was very dry, mature wheat crop. All of the moisture is pretty much
gone out of the stems, so even if they are being hit with some kind of
spinning plasma vortex, as biophysicist Levengood hypothesizes, there is
not much moisture in the growth nodes to heat up and explode out the
sides of the growth nodes. So, it's not unusual to find no nodal
damage in very late season wheat formations."

Interpretations of Whitefield Hill Pattern's Meaning


It is a really intriguing, strange thing to see! Some people have said
it is an egg slicer. (laughs)  It actually does have a similarity to a
hard-boiled egg slicer. Others say it is a 3-dimensional schematic for a
Star Trek `quantum slipstream warp drive' – a time machine.

The fact is, no one really has a clue what it is. It just looks pretty
amazing. After nearly fifteen years of investigating crop formations,
this is the one in 2010 that I am really quite amazed by.

A Star Trek "Quantum Slipstream Warp Drive" ?

The oddly distorted grid in the Whitefield Hill wheat has been compared
by some to the distortion (right) of the Star Trek spacecraft (center)
of TV visualization of a "warp field" in space where the
is about to "jump through" time and space. Source: Wikipedia.

[ Editor's Note:  Wikipedia - Warp drive is a faster-than-light (FTL)
propulsion system depicted in dramatic works of science fiction, most
notably in the television series Star Trek. In contrast to many other
fictional FTL technologies, such as a " jump drive" or the Infinite
Improbability Drive, the warp drive does not permit instantaneous travel
between two points. Instead, warp drive technology creates an artificial
"bubble" of normal space-time that surrounds the spacecraft (as opposed
to entering a separate realm or dimension like hyperspace, such as the
"warp drive" which is used in the "Warhammer 40,000" universe.
Consequently, spacecraft at warp velocity can continue to interact with
objects in normal space.

"Slipstream" is a science fiction term for a fictional method of
faster-than-light space travel, similar to hyperspace travel, warp
drive, or "transfer points" from David Brin's Uplift series. Similar to
the Borg transwarp conduits, the slipstream is a narrowly-focused,
directed field that is initiated by manipulating the fabric of the
space-time continuum at the quantum level using the starship's
navigational deflector array. It works by focusing a quantum field
through a deflector dish to generate massive changes in local space
curvature. This creates a subspace tunnel, which is projected ahead of
the vessel. Once a ship has entered this tunnel, the forces inside
propel it at incredible speed. In order to maintain the slipstream, a
ship has to constantly modify the quantum field with its deflector dish.
However, the calculations involved are too complicated, and the time
available too short for 24th century Starfleet computer technology. ]

A "Musical Amplifier" ?

Above and below: Another suggestion by CMM Research, a collaboration of
Australian and American crop formation analysts, is that the nearby
radio transmitter marked
with the yellow arrow above might imply the makers of the Whitefield
Hill wheat formation
marked with the red arrow were trying to reinforce the concept of a
"musical amplifier."


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