Wind vs. Nuclear Power: Which Is Safer?         
Written by Ed Hiserodt   
Monday, 16 February 2009 09:44

Wind PowerNuclear power is portrayed by the major media and by environmental 
activists as dangerous and perhaps even sinister.  Wind power, on the other 
hand, is considered benign. But the track records of nuclear power and wind 
power present a different picture.

Nuclear power has been been used to produce electricity for more than four 
decades, beginning with the Shippingport nuclear power plant in 1957. Today 
there are 104 nuclear power plants in the United States generating some 60 
billion kilowatt hours per year of electricity. There have been no deaths from 
radiation in more than 40 years of American nuclear plant operations. Even 
considering the "catastrophe" at Three Mile Island,  there has not been a 
single case of injury to any member of the public. (There were fatalities at 
the Russian Chernobyl plant, but that plant was radically different from an 
American nuclear power plant. It did not even have a containment structured 
around the nuclear reactor.)

How about wind power? How does it fare compared to the perfect record of the 
American nuclear power industry?  Believe it or not, there is an organization, 
the Caithness Windfarm Information Forum, that keeps data on wind-power-related 
accidents and/or design problems. Caithness is based in Great Britain, where 
homeowners have already grown tired of the noise and other 
wind-turbine-generated problems. Their "Summary of Wind Turbine Accident Data 
to 31 December 2008"  reports 41 worker fatalities.  Most, not unexpectedly, 
were from falling  as they are typically working on turbines some thirty 
stories above the ground. In addition, Caithness attributed the deaths of 16 
members of the public to wind-turbine accidents.

A summary of accidents includes:

• 139 incidents of blade failure. Failed blades have been known to travel over 
a quarter mile, and that is from turbines much smaller than those being 
manufactured today. This type of accident has caused some European countries to 
require a minimum distance of about one mile (2 km) between occupied housing 
and wind turbines.

•110 incidents of fire. When a wind turbine fire occurs, the local fire 
departments (without 30-story ladder trucks) can do little but watch. This 
isn't a problem unless the wind is blowing sufficiently to scatter the debris 
into dry fields or woodlands — or maybe onto your roof.

• 60 incidents of structural failure. This includes turbine failure and tower 
collapse failures. While not now a problem for the public — except having to 
gaze upon at a bent-over wind turbine — it may well become one as governments, 
under pressure from environmental activists, encourage marginal- and 
hastily-sited wind projects in urban areas where such an accident could kill 
and maim.

• 24 incidents of "ice throw" with human injury. These data may be a small 
fraction of actual incidences, with 880 icing events reported in a 13-year 
period for Germany alone.

Why these fatalities for wind compared to none for the American nuclear power 
industry? Nuclear energy comes from a reactor core about the size of a living 
room where it can be monitored and contained in-depth. It would take 2,000 
30-story tall wind turbines to produce the power of a typical nuclear plant, 
assuming 90 percent and 30 percent capacity factors. How many accidents would 
you expect when building 2,000 30-story turbine generators as compared to 
pouring concrete for a single containment building of a few thousand square 

But the deaths and injuries resulting from wind turbine construction and 
operation will be dwarfed by the carnage certain to occur in California 
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's "million solar roofs plant" actually comes to 
fruition? Falls, currently the second largest cause of accidental deaths after 
auto accidents and five times the rate from fires, will no doubt take a sizable 
jump as tens of thousands of amateur installers take to the roofs. And 
remember, solar voltaic cells must be cleaned regularly else they rapidly lose 
their already poor efficiencies.

Environmental accidents would have more credibility if they presented the full 
story on "non- renewables" such as wind and solar power. Of course, if they 
did, and if they at the same time claimed that we must go wind as opposed to 
nuclear, theyíd be laughed out of town.

March 6, 2009 Addendum: The original intent of this article was to point out 
the existence of a group, the Caithness Windfarm Information Forum,that kept 
track of accidents and deaths related to construction and operation of wind 
turbines. I was amazed that such a group existed and was so knowledgeable about 
the subject. But being unabashedly pro-nuclear, I couldnít resist pointing out 
the excellent safety record in the nuclear power generation industry.

I had given it the sarcastic working title of "That Safe Renewable Energy."  
Now that I look at it, however,  the article indeed looks like a comparison of 
the safety records. As pointed out by comments below, however, it is not a fair 
comparison since the wind data was worldwide and the nuclear power stats were 
from the United States alone.  As noted by one commentator, it does a 
disservice to the nuclear power industry as it appears to be spinning data in 
favor of nuclear power when such spinning is unnecessary.

Then too, as mentioned out by another commentator, the accident and death rates 
should be put in terms of relative amounts of power generated — a good research 
topic for another day.  My apologies for not taking all of this into 
consideration, especially since my raison d'etre is bringing the truth about 
energy matters to the readers of The New American.

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